Source code for emat.experiment.experimental_design

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..scope.scope import Scope
from ..database.database import Database
from ..exceptions import DatabaseError, ReadOnlyDatabaseError

from ..util.loggers import get_module_logger
_logger = get_module_logger(__name__)

from .samplers import (

samplers = {
    'lhs': CorrelatedLHSSampler,
    'ulhs': UniformLHSSampler,
    'mc': CorrelatedMonteCarloSampler,
    'ulhs99': lambda: TrimmedUniformLHSSampler(0.01),
    'ulhs98': lambda: TrimmedUniformLHSSampler(0.02),
    'ulhs95': lambda: TrimmedUniformLHSSampler(0.05),

class ExperimentalDesignSeries(pd.Series):
    # normal properties
    _metadata = ['design_name', 'sampler_name', 'scope']

    def scope_name(self):
        if hasattr(self.scope, 'name'):

    def _constructor(self):
        return ExperimentalDesignSeries

    def _constructor_expanddim(self):
        return ExperimentalDesign

class ExperimentalDesign(pd.DataFrame):
    # normal properties
    _metadata = ['design_name', 'sampler_name', 'scope']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.design_name = None
        self.sampler_name = None
        self.scope = None

    def scope_name(self):
        if hasattr(self.scope, 'name'):

    def design_name_(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'design_name'):
            return self.design_name

    def name(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'design_name'):
            return self.design_name

    def _constructor(self):
        return ExperimentalDesign

    def _constructor_sliced(self):
        return ExperimentalDesignSeries

    def prim(self, data='parameters', target=None, **kwargs):
        Create a new Prim search for this experimental design.

            data ({'parameters', 'levers', 'uncertainties', 'measures', 'all'}):
                Limit the restricted dimensions to only be drawn
                from this subset of possible dimensions from the scope.
                Defaults to 'parameters` (i.e. levers and uncertainties).
            target (str, optional):
                If not given, the current active selection is used as the
                target for Prim.  Otherwise, give the name of an existing
                selection, or an expression to be evaluated on the visualizer
                data to create a new target.
                All other keyword arguments are forwarded to the
                `emat.analysis.Prim` constructor.

        if self.scope is None:
            raise ValueError("missing scope")
        from ..analysis.explore_2.explore_visualizer import Visualizer
        if isinstance(target, str):
            target_name = target
            target = self.eval(target)
            target_name = getattr(target, 'name', "PRIM Target")
        viz = Visualizer(data=self, scope=self.scope)
        viz.new_selection(target, name=target_name)
        return viz.prim(data=data, target=target_name, **kwargs)

[docs]def design_experiments( scope, n_samples_per_factor=10, n_samples=None, random_seed=1234, db=None, design_name=None, sampler='lhs', sample_from='all', jointly=True, redraws=1, ): """ Create a design of experiments based on a Scope. Args: scope (Scope): The exploratory scope to use for the design. n_samples_per_factor (int, default 10): The number of samples to draw per input factor in the design. To support the estimation of a meta-model, leaving this value at the default of 10 is generally a good plan; 10 draws per dimension will usually be sufficient for reasonably well behaved performance measure outputs, and if it is not sufficient then the number of draws that would be needed for good results is probably too many to be feasible. n_samples (int or tuple, optional): The total number of samples in the design. If `jointly` is False, this is the number of samples in each of the uncertainties and the levers, the total number of samples will be the square of this value. Give a 2-tuple to set values for uncertainties and levers respectively, to set them independently. If this argument is given, it overrides `n_samples_per_factor`. random_seed (int or None, default 1234): A random seed for reproducibility. db (Database, optional): If provided, the generated design will be stored in the database indicated. design_name (str, optional): A name for this design, to identify it in the database. If not given, a unique name will be generated based on the selected sampler. sampler (str or AbstractSampler, default 'lhs'): The sampler to use for this design. Available pre-defined samplers include: - 'lhs': Latin Hypercube sampling - 'ulhs': Uniform Latin Hypercube sampling, which ignores defined distribution shapes from the scope and samples everything as if it was from a uniform distribution - 'mc': Monte carlo sampling, where independent random draws are made across all draws. This design has weaker space-covering properties than the LHS sampler, but may be appropriate for risk analysis and other large applications where coverage is not an issue. - 'uni': Univariate sensitivity testing, whereby experiments are generated setting each parameter individually to minimum and maximum values (for numeric dtypes) or all possible values (for boolean and categorical dtypes). Note that designs for univariate sensitivity testing are deterministic and the number of samples given is ignored. - 'ref': Reference point, which generates a design containing only a single experiment, with all parameters set at their default values. sample_from ('all', 'uncertainties', or 'levers'): The scope components from which to sample. The default is to sample from both uncertainties and levers, but it is also possible to sample only from one group of inputs or the other. Components not sampled are set at their default values in the design. jointly (bool, default True): Whether to sample jointly all uncertainties and levers in a single design, or, if False, to generate separate samples for levers and uncertainties, and then combine the two in a full-factorial manner. This argument has no effect unless `sample_from` is 'all'. Note that setting `jointly` to False may produce a very large design, as the total number of experiments will be the product of the number of experiments for the levers and the number of experiments for the uncertainties, which are set separately (i.e. if `n_samples` is given, the total number of experiments is the square of that value). Sampling jointly (the default) is appropriate for designing experiments to support the development of a meta-model. Sampling uncertainties and levers separately is appropriate for some other exploratory modeling applications, especially for directed search applications where the goal is to understand these two sets of input factors on their own. Returns: emat.experiment.ExperimentalDesign: The resulting design. This is a specialized sub-class of a regular pandas.DataFrame, which attaches some useful meta-data to the DataFrame, including `design_name`, `sampler_name`, and `scope`. """ if db is False: db = None if db is not None and design_name is not None: if design_name in db.read_design_names( raise ValueError(f'the design "{design_name}" already exists for scope "{}"') max_corr_ = np.inf existing_design_names = None # If using the default name, append the design_name with a number # until a new unused name is found. if db is not None and design_name is None: if isinstance(sampler, str): proposed_design_name = sampler elif hasattr(sampler, 'name'): proposed_design_name = str( else: proposed_design_name = str(sampler) existing_design_names = set(db.read_design_names( if proposed_design_name not in existing_design_names: design_name = proposed_design_name else: n = 2 while f'{proposed_design_name}_{n}' in existing_design_names: n += 1 design_name = f'{proposed_design_name}_{n}' if sampler == 'uni': return design_sensitivity_tests(scope, db, design_name or 'uni') if sampler == 'ref': return design_refpoint_test(scope, db, design_name or 'ref') if not isinstance(sampler, AbstractSampler): if sampler not in samplers: raise ValueError(f"unknown sampler {sampler}, choose from (uni, ref, {', '.join(samplers.keys())})") else: sample_generator = samplers[sampler]() else: sample_generator = sampler np.random.seed(random_seed) for _ in range(redraws): if sample_from == 'all' and not jointly: if n_samples is None: n_samples_u = n_samples_per_factor * len(scope.get_uncertainties()) n_samples_l = n_samples_per_factor * len(scope.get_levers()) elif isinstance(n_samples, tuple): n_samples_u, n_samples_l = n_samples else: n_samples_u = n_samples_l = n_samples samples_u = sample_generator.generate_designs(scope.get_uncertainties(), n_samples_u) samples_u.kind = dict design_u = pd.DataFrame.from_records([_ for _ in samples_u]) samples_l = sample_generator.generate_designs(scope.get_levers(), n_samples_l) samples_l.kind = dict design_l = pd.DataFrame.from_records([_ for _ in samples_l]) design_u["____"] = 0 design_l["____"] = 0 design = pd.merge(design_u, design_l, on='____') design.drop('____', 1, inplace=True) else: parms = [] if sample_from in ('all', 'uncertainties'): parms += [i for i in scope.get_uncertainties()] if sample_from in ('all', 'levers'): parms += [i for i in scope.get_levers()] if n_samples is None: n_samples = n_samples_per_factor * len(parms) samples = sample_generator.generate_designs(parms, n_samples) samples.kind = dict design = pd.DataFrame.from_records([_ for _ in samples]) if sample_from in ('all', 'constants'): for i in scope.get_constants(): design[] = i.default design = scope.ensure_dtypes(design) design = design.drop_duplicates() if redraws > 1: c = design.corr() np.fill_diagonal(c.values, 0) c[c==1.0] = 0 max_corr = c.fillna(0).abs().max().max() if max_corr < max_corr_: max_corr_ = max_corr design_ = design else: design_ = design if db is not None and sample_from is 'all': try: experiment_ids = db.write_experiment_parameters(, design_name, design_) except DatabaseError: pass else: design_.index = experiment_ids = 'experiment' design = ExperimentalDesign(design_) design.design_name = design_name design.sampler_name = sampler design.scope = scope return design
[docs]def design_sensitivity_tests( scope, db=None, design_name='uni', ): """ Create a design of univariate sensitivity tests based on a Scope. If any of the parameters or levers have an infinite lower or upper bound, the sensitivity test will be made at the 1st or 99th percentile value respectively, instead of at the infinite value. Args: scope (Scope): The exploratory scope to use for the design. db (Database, optional): If provided, this design will be stored in the database indicated. design_name (str, default 'uni'): A name for this design, primarily to identify it when stored in the database. Returns: emat.ExperimentalDesign: The resulting design. """ n_rows = sum( ( len(p.values) if (hasattr(p,'values') and p.values is not None) else 2 ) for p in scope.get_parameters() ) design = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { np.full(n_rows, p.default) for p in scope.get_parameters()} ) n = 0 for p in scope.get_parameters(): if not hasattr(p,'values') or p.values is None: design.loc[n,] = p.min if not np.isfinite(design.loc[n,]): try: design.loc[n,] = p.rv_gen.ppf(0.01) except: pass n += 1 design.loc[n,] = p.max if not np.isfinite(design.loc[n,]): try: design.loc[n,] = p.rv_gen.ppf(0.99) except: pass n += 1 else: for v in p.values: design.loc[n,] = v n += 1 design.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) design.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) if db is not None: experiment_ids = db.write_experiment_parameters(, design_name, design) design.index = experiment_ids = 'experiment' design = ExperimentalDesign(design) design.design_name = design_name design.sampler_name = 'uni' design.scope = scope return design
[docs]def design_refpoint_test( scope, db=None, design_name='ref', ): """ Create a design containing a single reference point test based on a Scope. Args: scope (Scope): The exploratory scope to use for the design. db (Database, optional): If provided, this design will be stored in the database indicated. design_name (str, default 'ref'): A name for this design, primarily to identify it when stored in the database. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The resulting design. """ design = pd.DataFrame({ p.default for p in scope.get_parameters()}, index=[0]) if db is not None: experiment_ids = db.write_experiment_parameters(, design_name, design) design.index = experiment_ids = 'experiment' design = ExperimentalDesign(design) design.design_name = design_name design.sampler_name = 'ref' design.scope = scope return design
def minimum_weighted_distance(fixed_points, other_points, weights): """ Compute minimum weighted distance from one array of points to another. Args: fixed_points (array-like): The fixed reference points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. other_points (array-like): The candidate measurement points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. The columns must exactly match the columns in `fixed_points`, while the number of rows and the content thereof can be (and probably should be) entirely different. weights (vector): A set of weights by dimension. The values in this vector should correspond to the columns in `fixed_points` and `other_points`. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The values correspond to the rows in `other_points`. """ array1 = np.asarray(fixed_points, dtype=float) array2 = np.asarray(other_points, dtype=float) w = np.asarray(weights, dtype=float).reshape(1, -1) result = np.zeros(array2.shape[0], dtype=float) for i in range(array2.shape[0]): row = array2[i, :].reshape(1, -1) sq_dist_by_axis = (array1 - row) ** 2 result[i] = (sq_dist_by_axis * w).sum(1).min() return result def count_within_buffer(fixed_points, other_points, weights, buffer_dist=1): """ Count the number of fixed points in a buffer various selected points. Args: fixed_points (array-like): The fixed reference points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. These are the points that will be counted. other_points (array-like): The candidate measurement points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. The columns must exactly match the columns in `fixed_points`, while the number of rows and the content thereof can be (and probably should be) entirely different. These are the center points of the various buffers. weights (vector): A set of weights by dimension. The values in this vector should correspond to the columns in `fixed_points` and `other_points`. buffer_dist (float, default 1): A buffer distance. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The columns of the returned data correspond to the columns in the `weights` input, and the row correspond to the rows int the `df2` argument. """ array1 = np.asarray(fixed_points, dtype=float) array2 = np.asarray(other_points, dtype=float) w = np.asarray(weights, dtype=float).reshape(1, -1) result = np.zeros(array2.shape[0], dtype=int) for i in range(array2.shape[0]): row = array2[i, :].reshape(1, -1) distances = np.sqrt(((array1 - row) ** 2) * w) result[i] = (distances <= buffer_dist).sum() return result def value_within_buffer(fixed_points, fixed_values, other_points, weights, buffer_dist=1): """ Count the number of fixed points in a buffer various selected points. Args: fixed_points (array-like): The fixed reference points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. These are the points that will be counted. fixed_values (vector): The values for each of the fixed points. Length is equal to the number of rows in fixed_points. other_points (array-like): The candidate measurement points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. The columns must exactly match the columns in `fixed_points`, while the number of rows and the content thereof can be (and probably should be) entirely different. These are the center points of the various buffers. weights (vector): A set of weights by dimension. The values in this vector should correspond to the columns in `fixed_points` and `other_points`. buffer_dist (float, default 1): A buffer distance. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The columns of the returned data correspond to the columns in the `weights` input, and the row correspond to the rows int the `df2` argument. """ array1 = np.asarray(fixed_points, dtype=float) array2 = np.asarray(other_points, dtype=float) w = np.asarray(weights, dtype=float).reshape(1, -1) result = np.zeros(array2.shape[0], dtype=float) for i in range(array2.shape[0]): row = array2[i, :].reshape(1, -1) distances = np.sqrt(((array1 - row) ** 2) * w) result[i] = fixed_values[distances <= buffer_dist].sum() return result def minimum_weighted_distances(df1, df2, weights): """ Compute minimum weighted distance from one DataFrame to another. Args: df1 (pandas.DataFrame): The fixed reference points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. df2 (pandas.DataFrame): The candidate measurement points. Each column is a dimension, and each row is a point. The columns in this DataFrame must exactly match the columns in `df1`, while the number of rows and the content thereof can be (and probably should be) entirely different. weights (pandas.DataFrame): A set of weights as a DataFrame. Each column is a complete set of weights to use in calculating the weighted distance. The rows in this DataFrame should correspond to the columns in `df1` and `df2`. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The columns of the returned data correspond to the columns in the `weights` input, and the row correspond to the rows int the `df2` argument. """ array1 = np.asarray(df1, dtype=float) array2 = np.asarray(df2, dtype=float) result = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=weights.columns, index=df2.index) for i, idx in enumerate(df2.index): row = array2[i, :].reshape(1, -1) sq_dist_by_axis = (array1 - row) ** 2 for name, w in weights.iteritems(): result.loc[idx, name] = (sq_dist_by_axis / w.values).sum(1).min() return result def _pick_one_new_experiment( existing_experiments, proposed_experiments, possible_experiments, dimension_weights, future_experiments, future_experiments_std, buffer_weighting=1, debug=None, ): """ Pick a single new experiment from a candidate population. Args: existing_experiments (pandas.DataFrame): A set of existing experiments. These experiments have already been run through the core model and results are available. The data of this DataFrame should all be of a format that is or can be cast to floating point (i.e., no strings or categorical data). proposed_experiments (pandas.DataFrame): The set of existing experiments, plus any other experiments that are already proposed to be completed. possible_experiments (pandas.DataFrame): A set of possible experiments. These experiments have not been run through the core model and computed full results are not available. The format of this DataFrame should be identical to `existing_experiments` in data types and columns. output_weights (Mapping): The keys of this mapping correspond to output measures from the core model and the values are relative importance weights. distance_scales (pandas.DataFrame): The distance scales to use. The rows of this DataFrame should correspond to the columns in the `experiments` arguments, and the columns to keys in the `output_weights`. Typically, this argument is the inverse of the result from the `get_length_scales` method of a `emat.MetaModel` that has been fit on the existing experiment results. Returns: int The row number from possible_experiments that is selected. """ mwd = minimum_weighted_distance( proposed_experiments, possible_experiments, dimension_weights ) if future_experiments is not None: cwb = value_within_buffer( future_experiments, future_experiments_std, possible_experiments, dimension_weights, buffer_dist=1, ).astype(float) cwb /= cwb.max() if debug: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.clf() scat = plt.scatter(possible_experiments[debug[0]], possible_experiments[debug[1]], c=mwd) plt.colorbar(scat) plt.scatter(proposed_experiments[debug[0]], proposed_experiments[debug[1]], color='red') plt.scatter(existing_experiments[debug[0]], existing_experiments[debug[1]], color='pink', marker='x') plt.title("minimum weighted distance") plt.clf() scat = plt.scatter(possible_experiments[debug[0]], possible_experiments[debug[1]], c=cwb) plt.colorbar(scat) plt.scatter(proposed_experiments[debug[0]], proposed_experiments[debug[1]], color='red') plt.scatter(existing_experiments[debug[0]], existing_experiments[debug[1]], color='pink', marker='x') plt.title("count within buffer") mwd = mwd + (buffer_weighting * cwb) new_candidate_experiment = mwd.argmax() return new_candidate_experiment def batch_pick_new_experiments( existing_experiments, possible_experiments, batch_size, dimension_weights, future_experiments, future_experiments_std, buffer_weighting = 1, debug = None, ): """ Pick a batch of new experiments from a candidate population. Args: existing_experiments (pandas.DataFrame): A set of existing experiments. These experiments have already been run through the core model and results are available. The data of this DataFrame should all be of a format that is or can be cast to floating point (i.e., no strings or categorical data). possible_experiments (pandas.DataFrame): A set of possible experiments. These experiments have not been run through the core model and computed full results are not available. The format of this DataFrame should be identical to `existing_experiments` in data types and columns. batch_size (int): How many new experiments should be selected for this batch. output_weights (Mapping): The keys of this mapping correspond to output measures from the core model and the values are relative importance weights. distance_scales (pandas.DataFrame): The distance scales to use. The rows of this DataFrame should correspond to the columns in the `experiments` arguments, and the columns to keys in the `output_weights`. Typically, this argument is the inverse of the result from the `get_length_scales` method of a `emat.MetaModel` that has been fit on the existing experiment results. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: This contains `batch_size` rows selected from `possible_experiments`. """ proposed_experiments = existing_experiments.copy() # Initial selection, greedy for i in range(batch_size): new_candidate_experiment = _pick_one_new_experiment( existing_experiments, proposed_experiments, possible_experiments, dimension_weights, future_experiments, future_experiments_std, buffer_weighting=buffer_weighting, debug=debug, ) proposed_experiments = proposed_experiments.append(possible_experiments.iloc[new_candidate_experiment])"selecting {proposed_experiments.index[-1]}") new_experiments = proposed_experiments.iloc[-batch_size:] # Fedorov Exchanges n_exchanges = 1 while n_exchanges > 0: n_exchanges = 0 for i in range(batch_size): provisionally_dropping = new_experiments.index[i] proposed_experiments = pd.concat([ existing_experiments, new_experiments.drop(new_experiments.index[i]) ]) # new_candidate_experiment = minimum_weighted_distance( # proposed_experiments, # possible_experiments, # dimension_weights # ).argmax() new_candidate_experiment = _pick_one_new_experiment( existing_experiments, proposed_experiments, possible_experiments, dimension_weights, future_experiments, future_experiments_std, buffer_weighting=buffer_weighting, debug=debug, ) provisional_replacement = possible_experiments.index[new_candidate_experiment] if provisional_replacement != provisionally_dropping: n_exchanges += 1 new_index = new_experiments.index.tolist() new_index[i] = provisional_replacement new_experiments.index = new_index new_experiments.iloc[i] = possible_experiments.iloc[new_candidate_experiment]"replacing {provisionally_dropping} with {provisional_replacement}")"{n_exchanges} exchanges completed.") return new_experiments def heuristic_pick_experiment( metamodel, candidate_experiments, poorness_of_fit, candidate_density, plot=True, ): candidate_std = metamodel.compute_std(candidate_experiments) candidate_raw_value = (poorness_of_fit * candidate_std).sum(axis=1) candidate_wgt_value = candidate_raw_value * candidate_density proposed_experiment = candidate_wgt_value.idxmax() if plot: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(4,4)) axs.scatter( candidate_experiments.iloc[:,0], candidate_experiments.iloc[:,1], c=candidate_wgt_value, ) axs.scatter( candidate_experiments.iloc[:,0].loc[proposed_experiment], candidate_experiments.iloc[:,1].loc[proposed_experiment], color="red", marker='x', ) plt.close(fig) return proposed_experiment def heuristic_batch_pick_experiment( batch_size, metamodel, candidate_experiments, scope, poorness_of_fit=None, plot=True, ):"Computing Density") candidate_density = candidate_experiments.apply(lambda x: scope.get_density(x), axis=1) if poorness_of_fit is None:"Computing Poorness of Fit") crossval = metamodel.function.cross_val_scores() poorness_of_fit = dict(1 - crossval) proposed_candidate_ids = set() proposed_candidates = None for i in range(batch_size): metamodel.function.regression.set_hypothetical_training_points(proposed_candidates) proposed_id = heuristic_pick_experiment( metamodel, candidate_experiments, poorness_of_fit, candidate_density, plot=plot, ) proposed_candidate_ids.add(proposed_id) proposed_candidates = candidate_experiments.loc[proposed_candidate_ids] proposed_candidate_ids = list(proposed_candidate_ids) # Exchanges n_exchanges = 1 while n_exchanges > 0: n_exchanges = 0 for i in range(batch_size): provisionally_dropping = proposed_candidate_ids[i] metamodel.function.regression.set_hypothetical_training_points( candidate_experiments.loc[set(proposed_candidate_ids) - {provisionally_dropping}] ) provisional_replacement = heuristic_pick_experiment( metamodel, candidate_experiments, poorness_of_fit, candidate_density, plot=plot, ) if provisional_replacement not in proposed_candidate_ids: n_exchanges += 1 proposed_candidate_ids[i] = provisional_replacement"Replacing {provisionally_dropping} with {provisional_replacement}")"{n_exchanges} Exchanges completed.") metamodel.function.regression.clear_hypothetical_training_points() return proposed_candidates