Core ModelsΒΆ
The AbstractCoreModel
provides a basic interface structure
for interacting with models used in exploratory analysis. All
specific model types included with TMIP-EMAT and all new model connections
should inherit from this base class.
The AbstractCoreModel
is an abstract base class, which means
that it defines what the Python programming interface of a core model
implemenetation should be (i.e., you must define a certain set of methods
that take particular inputs and return particular outputs).
Users of TMIP-EMAT will not want to use this class directly, but instead
they will use (or sub-class from) one of the provided implementations.
The simplest instantiation of an exploratory model for use with TMIP-EMAT
is a Python function. Such a function can be wrapped with a
TMIP-EMAT can also be used with Excel-based models, using the
Most advanced travel models can be set up to run programmatically, generating
a variety of performance measures to one or more arbitrarily defined files on
disk. TMIP-EMAT provides a FilesCoreModel
to serve as the starting
point for developing model-specific implementations for custom models than can
be operated in this manner. If you are planning to use TMIP-EMAT with a core
model that is not easily executable as a Python function nor an Excel spreadsheet,
this is the place to start.
For example, the model for the Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council
is a TransCAD based model. The GBNRTCModel
is included in TMIP-EMAT as an example
of how a more complex external travel demand model can be integrated into
the TMIP-EMAT framework.