Source code for emat.analysis.feature_scoring

import seaborn as sns
import pandas
import numpy
import warnings
from ..workbench.analysis import feature_scoring
from ..viz import heatmap_table
from import Box
from ..util.arg_processing import design_check
from ..exceptions import MissingMeasuresWarning, MissingMeasuresError

[docs]def feature_scores( scope, design, return_type='styled', db=None, random_state=None, cmap='viridis', measures=None, shortnames=None, ): """ Calculate feature scores based on a design of experiments. Args: scope (emat.Scope): The scope that defines this analysis. design (str or pandas.DataFrame): The name of the design of experiments to use for feature scoring, or a single pandas.DataFrame containing the experimental design and results. return_type ({'styled', 'figure', 'dataframe'}): The format to return, either a heatmap figure as an SVG render in and xmle.Elem, or a plain pandas.DataFrame, or a styled dataframe. db (emat.Database): If `design` is given as a string, extract the experiments from this database. random_state (int or numpy.RandomState, optional): Random state to use. cmap (string or colormap, default 'viridis'): matplotlib colormap to use for rendering. measures (Collection, optional): The performance measures on which feature scores are to be generated. By default, all measures are included. shortnames (Scope or callable): If given, use this function to convert the measure names into more readable `shortname` values from the scope, or by using a function that maps measures names to something else. Returns: xmle.Elem or pandas.DataFrame: Returns a rendered SVG as xml, or a DataFrame, depending on the `return_type` argument. This function internally uses feature_scoring from the EMA Workbench, which in turn scores features using the "extra trees" regression approach. """ design = design_check(design, scope, db) # Split design into inputs and outcomes inputs = design[[c for c in design.columns if c in scope.get_parameter_names()]] outcomes = design[[c for c in design.columns if c in scope.get_measure_names()]] # Remove experiments that have no outcomes in any dimension missing_outcomes_experiments = outcomes.isna().all(axis=1) if missing_outcomes_experiments.any(): n_missing = missing_outcomes_experiments.sum() if n_missing == len(outcomes): raise MissingMeasuresError( f"All {n_missing} experiments have no outcomes", ) inputs = inputs[~missing_outcomes_experiments] outcomes = outcomes[~missing_outcomes_experiments] warnings.warn( f"There are {n_missing} experiments " f"with no outcomes, ignoring them", stacklevel=2, category=MissingMeasuresWarning, ) # prepare to remove input columns with NaN's drop_inputs = list(inputs.columns[pandas.isna(inputs).sum()>0]) # prepare to remove constant inputs for c in scope.get_constant_names(): if c in inputs.columns and c not in drop_inputs: drop_inputs.append(c) # prepare to remove outcome columns with NaN's, drop_outcomes = list(outcomes.columns[pandas.isna(outcomes).sum()>0]) # prepare to remove outcomes that have been removed from the scope scope_measures = set(scope.get_measure_names()) for c in outcomes.columns: if c not in scope_measures and c not in drop_outcomes: drop_outcomes.append(c) if measures is not None and c not in measures and c not in drop_outcomes: drop_outcomes.append(c) # execute removals outcomes_ = outcomes.drop(columns=drop_outcomes) inputs_ = inputs.drop(columns=drop_inputs) # use workbench to compute feature scores fs = feature_scoring.get_feature_scores_all(inputs_, outcomes_, random_state=random_state) # restore original row/col ordering orig_col_order = [c for c in outcomes.columns if c in scope_measures] fs = fs.reindex(index=inputs.columns, columns=orig_col_order) # remove columns and rows that are entirely NA drop_c = list(fs.columns[(~pandas.isna(fs)).sum() == 0]) drop_r = list(fs.index[(~pandas.isna(fs)).sum(axis=1) == 0]) fs = fs.drop(index=drop_r, columns=drop_c) if shortnames is not None: if shortnames is True: shortnames = scope from ..scope.scope import Scope if isinstance(shortnames, Scope): fs.columns = else: fs.columns = # convert colormap to a light color palette for rendered outputs if 'figure' in return_type.lower() or 'styled' in return_type.lower(): try: cmap = sns.light_palette(cmap, as_cmap=True) except ValueError: pass # create output based on `return_type` if 'figure' in return_type.lower(): return heatmap_table( fs.T, xlabel='Model Parameters', ylabel='Performance Measures', title='Feature Scoring' + (f' [{design.design_name_}]' if design.design_name_ else ''), cmap=cmap, ) elif return_type.lower() == 'styled': from ..util.styling import feature_score_styling return feature_score_styling(fs.T, cmap=cmap) else: return fs.T
def box_feature_scores( scope, box, design, return_type='styled', db=None, random_state=None, cmap='viridis', exclude_measures=True, ): """ Calculate feature scores for a box, based on a design of experiments. Args: scope (emat.Scope): The scope that defines this analysis. box (emat.Box): The box the defines the target feature. design (str or pandas.DataFrame): The name of the design of experiments to use for feature scoring, or a single pandas.DataFrame containing the experimental design and results. return_type ({'styled', 'figure', 'dataframe'}): The format to return, either a heatmap figure as an SVG render in and xmle.Elem, or a plain pandas.DataFrame, or a styled dataframe. db (emat.Database): If `design` is given as a string, extract the experiments from this database. random_state (int or numpy.RandomState, optional): Random state to use. cmap (string or colormap, default 'viridis'): matplotlib colormap to use for rendering. exclude_measures (bool, default True): Exclude measures from feature scoring. Returns: xmle.Elem or pandas.DataFrame: Returns a rendered SVG as xml, or a DataFrame, depending on the `return_type` argument. This function internally uses feature_scoring from the EMA Workbench, which in turn scores features using the "extra trees" classification approach. """ design = design_check(design, scope, db) if exclude_measures: if not set(box.thresholds.keys()).intersection(scope.get_measure_names()): raise ValueError('no measures in box thresholds') target = box.inside(design) return target_feature_scores( scope, target, design, return_type=return_type, db=db, random_state=random_state, cmap=cmap, exclude_measures=exclude_measures, exclude_parameters=box.thresholds.keys(), ) def target_feature_scores( scope, target, design, return_type='styled', db=None, random_state=None, cmap='viridis', exclude_measures=True, exclude_parameters=None, ): """ Calculate feature scores for a target selection, based on a design of experiments. Args: scope (emat.Scope): The scope that defines this analysis. target (pandas.Series): The target feature, whose dtype should be bool. design (str or pandas.DataFrame): The name of the design of experiments to use for feature scoring, or a single pandas.DataFrame containing the experimental design and results. return_type ({'styled', 'figure', 'dataframe'}): The format to return, either a heatmap figure as an SVG render in and xmle.Elem, or a plain pandas.DataFrame, or a styled dataframe. db (emat.Database): If `design` is given as a string, extract the experiments from this database. random_state (int or numpy.RandomState, optional): Random state to use. cmap (string or colormap, default 'viridis'): matplotlib colormap to use for rendering. exclude_measures (bool, default True): Exclude measures from feature scoring. Returns: xmle.Elem or pandas.DataFrame: Returns a rendered SVG as xml, or a DataFrame, depending on the `return_type` argument. This function internally uses feature_scoring from the EMA Workbench, which in turn scores features using the "extra trees" classification approach. """ import pandas, numpy if isinstance(design, str): if db is None: raise ValueError('must give db to use design name') design_name = design design = db.read_experiment_all(, design) elif isinstance(design, pandas.DataFrame): design_name = None else: raise TypeError('must name design or give DataFrame') # remove design columns with NaN's drop_cols = set(design.columns[pandas.isna(design).sum()>0]) # remove design columns not in the scope all_names = set(scope.get_all_names()) for c in design.columns: if c not in all_names: drop_cols.add(c) # remove constants for c in scope.get_constant_names(): if c in design.columns: drop_cols.add(c) # remove outcome columns if exclude_measures if exclude_measures: for meas in scope.get_measure_names(): if meas in design.columns: drop_cols.add(meas) if exclude_parameters is not None: for meas in design.columns: if meas in exclude_parameters: drop_cols.add(meas) design_ = design.drop(columns=list(drop_cols)) from ..workbench.analysis.scenario_discovery_util import RuleInductionType target_name = getattr(target, 'name', None) if not isinstance(target_name, str): target_name = 'target' fs = feature_scoring.get_feature_scores_all( design_, {target_name:target}, random_state=random_state, mode=RuleInductionType.CLASSIFICATION, ) # restore original row/col ordering # orig_col_order = [c for c in outcomes.columns if c in scope_measures] # fs = fs.reindex( # index=design.columns, # # columns=orig_col_order, # ) if return_type.lower() in ('figure','styled'): try: cmap = sns.light_palette(cmap, as_cmap=True) except ValueError: pass if return_type.lower() == 'figure': return heatmap_table( fs.T, xlabel='Model Parameters', ylabel='Target', title='Feature Scoring' + (f' [{design_name}]' if design_name else ''), cmap=cmap, ) elif return_type.lower() == 'styled': return, axis=1, text_color_threshold=0.5) else: return fs.T def _col_breakpoints( data_col, min_tail=5, max_breaks=20, break_spacing='linear', ): arr = numpy.asarray(data_col).flatten() if arr.size < min_tail*2: raise ValueError("array too short for `min_tail`") arr_s = numpy.partition(arr, [min_tail,-min_tail]) lo_end, hi_end = arr_s[[min_tail,-min_tail]] inside_size = arr.size - (min_tail*2) if arr.size == min_tail*2: inside_breaks = 1 else: inside_breaks = max(min(int(numpy.ceil(inside_size/min_tail)), max_breaks),2) if break_spacing == 'linear': return numpy.linspace(lo_end, hi_end, inside_breaks) elif break_spacing == 'percentile': qtiles = numpy.linspace(min_tail/arr.size, (arr.size-min_tail)/arr.size, inside_breaks) return numpy.quantile(arr, qtiles) raise ValueError(f'unknown `break_spacing` value {break_spacing}')
[docs]def threshold_feature_scores( scope, measure_name, design, return_type='styled', *, db=None, random_state=None, cmap='viridis', z_min=0, z_max=1, min_tail=5, max_breaks=20, break_spacing='linear', ): """ Compute and display thresold feature scores for a performance measure. This function is useful to detect and understand non-linear relationships between performance measures and various input parameters. Args: scope (emat.Scope): The scope that defines this analysis. measure_name (str): The name of an individual performance measure to analyze. design (str or pandas.DataFrame): The name of the design of experiments to use for feature scoring, or a single pandas.DataFrame containing the experimental design and results. return_type (str): The format to return: - 'dataframe' gives a plain pandas.DataFrame, - 'styled' gives a colorized pandas.DataFrame, - 'figure' gives a plotly violin plot, - 'ridge figure' gives a plotly ridgeline figure. Either plotly result can optionally have ".svg" or ".png" added to render a static image in those formats. db (emat.Database): If `design` is given as a string, extract the experiments from this database. random_state (int or numpy.RandomState, optional): Random state to use. cmap (string or colormap, default 'viridis'): matplotlib colormap to use for rendering. Ignored if `return_type` is 'dataframe'. z_min, z_max (float, optional): Trim the bottom and top of the colormap range, respectively. Defaults to (0,1) which will make the most relevant overall feature colored at the top of the colorscale and the least relevant feature at the bottom. min_tail (int, default 5): The minimum number of observations on each side of any threshold point. If this value is too small, the endpoint feature scoring results are highly unstable, but if it is too large then important nonlinearities near the extreme points may not be detected. This is also used as the minimum average number of observations between threshold points. max_breaks (int, default 20): The maximum number of distinct threshold points to use. Setting this value higher improves resolution but also requires more computational time. break_spacing ({'linear', 'percentile'}): How to distribute threshold breakpoints to test within the min-max range. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure or DataFrame or styled DataFrame """ design = design_check(design, scope, db) tracking = {} breakpoints = _col_breakpoints( design[measure_name], min_tail=min_tail, max_breaks=max_breaks, break_spacing=break_spacing, ) for j in breakpoints: tracking[j] = dict(box_feature_scores( scope, Box(name="", lower_bounds={measure_name: j}), design, return_type='dataframe', db=db, random_state=random_state, exclude_measures=True, ).iloc[0]) result = pandas.DataFrame(tracking) name_order = [] for name in scope.get_parameter_names(): if name in result.index: name_order.append(name) for name in result.index: if name not in name_order: name_order.append(name) result = result.reindex(index=name_order) if return_type.lower() == 'styled': return, axis=0, text_color_threshold=0.5) if 'figure' in return_type.lower(): import plotly.graph_objects as go from matplotlib import cm base_score = feature_scores( scope=scope, design=design, return_type='dataframe', db=None, random_state=random_state, measures=[measure_name], ) traces = [] max_base_score = base_score.max().max() tick_values = [] tick_labels = [] colormap = getattr(cm, cmap, cm.viridis) if 'ridge' in return_type.lower(): ridge = True gap = numpy.percentile(result.values.flatten(), 95) linewidth = 3 area_alpha = 1.0 else: ridge = False gap = numpy.percentile(result.values.flatten(), 95) * 2 linewidth = 2 area_alpha = 1.0 for n_reversed in range(len(result)): n = len(result) - n_reversed - 1 bs = base_score.loc[measure_name, result.index[n]] / max_base_score if numpy.isnan(bs): bs = 0 bs = bs * (z_max-z_min) + z_min color = colormap(bs, bytes=True) dark_color, light_color = _darker_and_lighter_color(numpy.asarray(color)/255) linecolor_ = ", ".join(str(i) for i in dark_color[:3]) areacolor_ = ", ".join(str(i) for i in light_color[:3]) traces.append( go.Scatter( y=(numpy.zeros(len(result.columns)) if ridge else -result.iloc[n]) + n * gap, x=result.columns, fillcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', visible=True, showlegend=False, line=dict(color=f'rgba({linecolor_}, 1.0)', width=0 if ridge else linewidth), name=result.index[n], hovertemplate='%{meta}<br>Rel Import: %{customdata:.3f}<extra>'+measure_name+': %{x:.3s}</extra>', meta=[result.index[n]], customdata=result.iloc[n], ) ) traces.append( go.Scatter( y=result.iloc[n] + n * gap, x=result.columns, fill='tonexty', name=result.index[n], fillcolor=f'rgba({areacolor_}, {area_alpha})', line=dict(color=f'rgba({linecolor_}, 1.0)', width=linewidth), hovertemplate='%{meta}<br>Rel Import: %{customdata:.3f}<extra>'+measure_name+': %{x:.3s}</extra>', meta=[result.index[n]], customdata=result.iloc[n], ) ) tick_values.append(n * gap + (gap/3 if ridge else 0)) tick_labels.append(result.index[n]) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_traces(traces) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title_text=scope.shortname(measure_name), yaxis_showgrid=False, yaxis_zeroline=False, yaxis_tickvals=tick_values, yaxis_ticktext=tick_labels, yaxis_tickmode='array', showlegend=False, margin=dict(t=0,b=0,l=0,r=0), ) from ..util.rendering import render_plotly return render_plotly(fig, return_type) return result
def _max_luminosity_color(color, max_lum=0.333, bytes=False): import matplotlib.colors as mc import colorsys try: c = mc.cnames[color] except: c = color c = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*mc.to_rgb(c)) new_c = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0], min(c[1], max_lum), c[2]) if bytes: lev = lambda x: max(0,min(255,int(numpy.round(x*255)))) return tuple(lev(i) for i in new_c) else: return new_c def _darker_and_lighter_color(color, lum_diff=0.3, bytes=False): import matplotlib.colors as mc import colorsys try: c = mc.cnames[color] except: c = color hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*mc.to_rgb(c)) dark = hls[1] * (1-lum_diff) light = dark + lum_diff new_dark_c = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], dark, hls[2]) new_light_c = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], light, hls[2]) if bytes: lev = lambda x: max(0,min(255,int(numpy.round(x*255)))) return tuple(lev(i) for i in new_dark_c), tuple(lev(i) for i in new_light_c) else: return new_dark_c, new_light_c