'''parameters and collections of parameters'''
import abc
import itertools
import numbers
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
import warnings
from .util import (NamedObject, Variable, NamedObjectMap, Counter,
NamedDict, combine)
from ..util import get_module_logger
# Created on Jul 14, 2016
# .. codeauthor::jhkwakkel <j.h.kwakkel (at) tudelft (dot) nl>
__all__ = [
'Constant', 'RealParameter', 'IntegerParameter', 'CategoricalParameter',
'Policy', 'Scenario',
'parameters_from_csv', 'parameters_to_csv', 'experiment_generator'
_logger = get_module_logger(__name__)
class Bound(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __get__(self, instance, cls):
bound = instance.__dict__[self.internal_name]
except KeyError:
bound = self.get_bound(instance)
self.__set__(instance, bound)
return bound
def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.__dict__[self.internal_name] = value
def __set_name__(self, cls, name):
self.name = name
self.internal_name = '_' + name
class UpperBound(Bound):
def get_bound(self, instance):
bound = instance.dist.ppf(1.0)
return bound
class LowerBound(Bound):
def get_bound(self, owner):
ppf_zero = 0
if isinstance(owner.dist.dist, sp.stats.rv_discrete): # @UndefinedVariable
# ppf at actual zero for rv_discrete gives lower bound - 1
# due to a quirk in the scipy.stats implementation
# so we use the smallest positive float instead
ppf_zero = 5e-324
bound = owner.dist.ppf(ppf_zero)
return bound
class Constant(NamedObject):
'''Constant class,
can be used for any parameter that has to be set to a fixed value
def __init__(self, name, value):
super(Constant, self).__init__(name)
self.value = value
def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return '{}(\'{}\', {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
self.name, self.value)
class Category(Constant):
def __init__(self, name, value):
super(Category, self).__init__(name, value)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Category):
return False
return super(Constant, self).__eq__(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.name, self.value))
def create_category(cat):
if isinstance(cat, Category):
return cat
return Category(str(cat), cat)
class Parameter(Variable, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
''' Base class for any model input parameter
name : str
lower_bound : int or float
upper_bound : int or float
resolution : collection
pff : bool
if true, sample over this parameter using resolution in case of
partial factorial sampling
if lower bound is larger than upper bound
if entries in resolution are outside range of lower_bound and
lower_bound = LowerBound()
upper_bound = UpperBound()
default = None
def resolution(self):
return self._resolution
def resolution(self, value):
if value:
if (min(value) < self.lower_bound) or (max(value) > self.upper_bound):
raise ValueError('resolution not consistent with lower and '
'upper bound')
self._resolution = value
def __init__(self, name, lower_bound, upper_bound, resolution=None,
default=None, variable_name=None, pff=False):
super(Parameter, self).__init__(name)
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
self.resolution = resolution
self.default = default
self.variable_name = variable_name
self.pff = pff
def from_dist(cls, name, dist, **kwargs):
'''alternative constructor for creating a parameter from a frozen
scipy.stats distribution directly
dist : scipy stats frozen dist
**kwargs : valid keyword arguments for Parameter instance
assert(isinstance(dist, sp.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen)) # @UndefinedVariable
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.dist = dist
self.name = name
self.resolution = None
self.variable_name = None
self.ppf = None
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k in {"default", "resolution", "variable_name", "pff"}:
setattr(self, k, v)
raise ValueError(f"unknown property {k} for Parameter")
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(self, other.__class__):
return False
self_keys = set(self.__dict__.keys())
other_keys = set(other.__dict__.keys())
if self_keys - other_keys:
return False
for key in self_keys:
if key != 'dist':
if getattr(self, key) != getattr(other, key):
return False
# name, parameters
self_dist = getattr(self, key)
other_dist = getattr(other, key)
if self_dist.dist.name != other_dist.dist.name:
return False
if self_dist.args != other_dist.args:
return False
return True
def __str__(self):
return self.name
# def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# start = '{}(\'{}\', {}, {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
# self.name,
# self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound)
# if self.resolution:
# start += ', resolution={}'.format(self.resolution)
# if self.default:
# start += ', default={}'.format(self.default)
# if self.variable_name != [self.name]:
# start += ', variable_name={}'.format(self.variable_name)
# if self.pff:
# start += ', pff={}'.format(self.pff)
# start += ')'
# return start
class RealParameter(Parameter):
''' real valued model input parameter
name : str
lower_bound : int or float
upper_bound : int or float
resolution : iterable
variable_name : str, or list of str
if lower bound is larger than upper bound
if entries in resolution are outside range of lower_bound and
def __init__(self, name, lower_bound, upper_bound, resolution=None,
default=None, variable_name=None, pff=False):
self.dist = sp.stats.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound-lower_bound) # @UndefinedVariable
def from_dist(cls, name, dist, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(dist.dist, sp.stats.rv_continuous): # @UndefinedVariable
raise ValueError("dist should be instance of rv_continouos")
return super(RealParameter, cls).from_dist(name, dist, **kwargs)
class IntegerParameter(Parameter):
''' integer valued model input parameter
name : str
lower_bound : int
upper_bound : int
resolution : iterable
variable_name : str, or list of str
if lower bound is larger than upper bound
if entries in resolution are outside range of lower_bound and
upper_bound, or not an numbers.Integral instance
if lower_bound or upper_bound is not an numbers.Integral instance
def __init__(self, name, lower_bound, upper_bound, resolution=None,
default=None, variable_name=None, pff=False):
super(IntegerParameter,self).__init__(name, lower_bound, upper_bound,
resolution=resolution, default=default,
variable_name=variable_name, pff=pff)
lb_int = isinstance(lower_bound, numbers.Integral)
up_int = isinstance(upper_bound, numbers.Integral)
if not (lb_int or up_int):
raise ValueError('lower bound and upper bound must be integers')
self.dist = sp.stats.randint(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound + 1) # @UndefinedVariable
def from_dist(cls, name, dist, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(dist.dist, sp.stats.rv_discrete): # @UndefinedVariable
raise ValueError("dist should be instance of rv_discrete")
return super(IntegerParameter, cls).from_dist(name, dist, **kwargs)
class CategoricalParameter(IntegerParameter):
''' categorical model input parameter
name : str
categories : collection of obj
variable_name : str, or list of str
multivalue : boolean
if categories have a set of values, for each variable_name
a different one.
def categories(self):
return self._categories
def categories(self, values):
def __init__(self, name, categories, default=None, variable_name=None,
pff=False, multivalue=False):
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = len(categories) - 1
if upper_bound == 0:
raise ValueError('there should be more than 1 category')
cats = [create_category(cat) for cat in categories]
self._categories = NamedObjectMap(Category)
self.categories = cats
self.resolution = [i for i in range(len(self.categories))]
self.multivalue = multivalue
[docs] def index_for_cat(self, category):
'''return index of category
category : object
for i, cat in enumerate(self.categories):
if cat.name == category:
return i
raise ValueError("category not found")
[docs] def cat_for_index(self, index):
'''return category given index
index : int
return self.categories[index]
[docs] def invert(self, name):
''' invert a category to an integer
name : obj
if category is not found
warnings.warn('deprecated, use index_for_cat instead')
return self.index_for_cat(name)
def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
template1 = 'CategoricalParameter(\'{}\', {}, default={})'
template2 = 'CategoricalParameter(\'{}\', {})'
if self.default:
representation = template1.format(self.name, self.resolution,
representation = template2.format(self.name, self.resolution)
return representation
def from_dist(cls, name, dist, **kwargs):
# TODO:: how to handle this
# probebly need to pass categories as list and zip
# categories to integers implied by dist
if cls is CategoricalParameter:
# only not implemented if it is CategoricalParameter
# allow BooleanParameter to pass through correctly.
raise NotImplementedError(("custom distributions over categories "
"not supported yet"))
if not isinstance(dist.dist, sp.stats.rv_discrete): # @UndefinedVariable
raise ValueError("dist should be instance of rv_discrete")
categories = kwargs.pop('categories')
multivalue = kwargs.pop('multivalue', False)
self = super(CategoricalParameter, cls).from_dist(name, dist, **kwargs)
cats = [create_category(cat) for cat in categories]
self._categories = NamedObjectMap(Category)
self.categories = cats
self.resolution = [i for i in range(len(self.categories))]
self.multivalue = multivalue
return self
class BooleanParameter(CategoricalParameter):
''' boolean model input parameter
A BooleanParameter is similar to a CategoricalParameter, except
the category values can only be True or False.
name : str
variable_name : str, or list of str
def __init__(self, name, default=None, variable_name=None,
super(BooleanParameter, self).__init__(
name, categories=[False, True], default=default,
variable_name=variable_name, pff=pff)
def from_dist(cls, name, dist, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(dist.dist, sp.stats.rv_discrete): # @UndefinedVariable
raise ValueError("dist should be instance of rv_discrete")
if dist.ppf(5e-324) != 0:
raise ValueError("dist should have minimum value of 0")
if dist.ppf(1.0) != 1:
raise ValueError("dist should have maximum value of 1")
result = super().from_dist(name=name, dist=dist,
categories=[False, True], **kwargs)
# cats = [create_category(cat) for cat in [False, True]]
# result._categories = NamedObjectMap(Category)
# result.categories = cats
return result
# def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# template1 = 'BooleanParameter(\'{}\', default={})'
# template2 = 'BooleanParameter(\'{}\', )'
# if self.default:
# representation = template1.format(self.name,
# self.default)
# else:
# representation = template2.format(self.name, )
# return representation
# class BinaryParameter(CategoricalParameter):
# ''' a categorical model input parameter that is only True or False
# Parameters
# ----------
# name : str
# '''
# def __init__(self, name, default=None, ):
# super(
# BinaryParameter,
# self).__init__(
# name,
# categories=[
# False,
# True],
# default=default)
class Policy(NamedDict):
'''Helper class representing a policy
name : str, int, or float
id : int
all keyword arguments are wrapped into a dict.
# TODO:: separate id and name
# if name is not provided fall back on id
# id will always be a number and can be generated by
# a counter
# the new experiment class can than take the names from
# policy and scenario to create a unique name while also
# multiplying the ID's (assuming we count from 1 onward) to get
# a unique experiment ID
id_counter = Counter(1)
def __init__(self, name=Counter(), **kwargs):
# TODO: perhaps move this to seperate function that internally uses
# counter
if isinstance(name, int):
name = f"policy {name}"
super(Policy, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.id = Policy.id_counter()
def to_list(self, parameters):
'''get list like representation of policy where the
parameters are in the order of levers'''
return [self[param.name] for param in parameters]
def __repr__(self):
return "Policy({})".format(super(Policy, self).__repr__())
class Scenario(NamedDict):
'''Helper class representing a scenario
name : str, int, or float
id : int
all keyword arguments are wrapped into a dict.
# we need to start from 1 so scenario id is known
id_counter = Counter(1)
def __init__(self, name=Counter(), **kwargs):
super(Scenario, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.id = Scenario.id_counter()
def __repr__(self):
return "Scenario({})".format(super(Scenario, self).__repr__())
class Case(NamedObject):
'''A convenience object that contains a specification
of the model, policy, and scenario to run
# TODO:: we need a better name for this. probably this should be
# named Experiment, while Experiment should be
# ExperimentReplication
def __init__(self, name, model_name, policy, scenario, experiment_id):
super(Case, self).__init__(name)
self.experiment_id = experiment_id
self.policy = policy
self.model_name = model_name
self.scenario = scenario
class Experiment(NamedDict):
'''helper class that combines scenario, policy, any constants, and
replication information (seed etc) into a single dictionary.
def __init__(self, scenario, policy, constants, replication=None):
scenario_id = scenario.id
policy_id = policy.id
if replication is None:
replication_id = 1
replication_id = replication.id
constants = combine(constants, replication)
# this is a unique identifier for an experiment
# we might also create a better looking name
self.id = scenario_id * policy_id * replication_id
name = '{}_{}_{}'.format(scenario.name, policy.name, replication_id)
super(Experiment, self).__init__(
name, **combine(scenario, policy, constants))
def zip_cycle(*args):
maxlen = max(len(a) for a in args)
return itertools.islice(zip(*(itertools.cycle(a) for a in args)), maxlen)
def experiment_generator(scenarios, model_structures, policies, zip_over=None):
generator function which yields experiments
designs : iterable of dicts
model_structures : list
policies : list
zip_over : Collection[str], optional
A collection that contains exactly two or three members of the set
{'scenarios', 'policies', 'models'}. If a set is given, the length
of all other arguments that are indicated in this set must be the
same, and the experiment generator will create experiments based on
a `zip` through the values in these collections, instead of creating
experiments across all possible combinations of the values.
When called with zip_over as None, this generator is essentially
three nested loops: for each model structure,
for each policy, for each scenario, return the experiment. This means
that designs should not be a generator because this will be exhausted after
the running the first policy on the first model. If zip_over contains
two items, then those two will be paired up, but there will still be
two nested loops.
When called with zip_over set as not None, if the length of the lists
identified in zip_over is unbalanced, the shorter list(s) will be
recycled in the same order after they have been exhausted until the
longest list is exhausted. If lists are randomly shuffled before being
passed to this generator, this is equivalent to sampling (without
replacement) from each space.
if zip_over is None:
zip_over = set()
zip_over = set(zip_over)
if not zip_over.issubset({'scenarios', 'policies', 'models'}):
raise ValueError("zip_over must be subset of {'scenarios', 'policies', 'models'} or None")
if len(zip_over) == 1:
raise ValueError("zip_over cannot be one item")
if zip_over == {'scenarios', 'policies', 'models'}:
jobs = (
(m_, p_, s_)
for m_, p_, s_ in zip_cycle(
model_structures, policies, scenarios
elif zip_over == {'scenarios', 'policies'}:
jobs = (
(m_, p_, s_)
for m_, (p_, s_) in itertools.product(
model_structures, zip_cycle(policies, scenarios)
elif zip_over == {'scenarios', 'models'}:
jobs = (
(m_, p_, s_)
for p_, (m_, s_) in itertools.product(
policies, zip_cycle(model_structures, scenarios)
elif zip_over == {'policies', 'models'}:
jobs = (
(m_, p_, s_)
for s_, (m_, p_) in itertools.product(
scenarios, zip_cycle(model_structures, policies)
jobs = itertools.product(model_structures, policies, scenarios)
for i, job in enumerate(jobs):
msi, policy, scenario = job
name = '{} {} {}'.format(msi.name, policy.name, i)
case = Case(name, msi.name, policy, scenario, i)
yield case
def parameters_to_csv(parameters, file_name):
'''Helper function for writing a collection of parameters to a csv file
parameters : collection of Parameter instances
file_name : str
The function iterates over the collection and turns these into a data
frame prior to storing them. The resulting csv can be loaded using the
create_parameters function. Note that currently we don't store resolution
and default attributes.
params = {}
for i, param in enumerate(parameters):
if isinstance(param, CategoricalParameter):
values = param.resolution
values = param.lower_bound, param.upper_bound
dict_repr = {j: value for j, value in enumerate(values)}
dict_repr['name'] = param.name
params[i] = dict_repr
params = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(params, orient='index')
# for readability it is nice if name is the first column, so let's
# ensure this
cols = params.columns.tolist()
cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('name')))
params = params.reindex(columns=cols)
# we can now safely write the dataframe to a csv
pd.DataFrame.to_csv(params, file_name, index=False)
def parameters_from_csv(uncertainties, **kwargs):
'''Helper function for creating many Parameters based on a DataFrame
or csv file
uncertainties : str, DataFrame
**kwargs : dict, arguments to pass to pandas.read_csv
list of Parameter instances
This helper function creates uncertainties. It assumes that the
DataFrame or csv file has a column titled 'name', optionally a type column
{int, real, cat}, can be included as well. the remainder of the columns
are handled as values for the parameters. If type is not specified,
the function will try to infer type from the values.
Note that this function does not support the resolution and default kwargs
on parameters.
An example of a csv:
this CSV file would result in
[RealParameter('a_real', 0, 1.1, resolution=[], default=None),
IntegerParameter('an_int', 1, 9, resolution=[], default=None),
CategoricalParameter('a_categorical', ['a', 'b', 'c'], default=None)]
if isinstance(uncertainties, str):
uncertainties = pd.read_csv(uncertainties, **kwargs)
elif not isinstance(uncertainties, pd.DataFrame):
uncertainties = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(uncertainties)
uncertainties = uncertainties.copy()
parameter_map = {'int': IntegerParameter,
'real': RealParameter,
'cat': CategoricalParameter,
'bool': BooleanParameter,
# check if names column is there
if ('NAME' not in uncertainties) and ('name' not in uncertainties):
raise IndexError('name column missing')
elif ('NAME' in uncertainties.columns):
names = uncertainties.ix[:, 'NAME']
uncertainties.drop(['NAME'], axis=1, inplace=True)
names = uncertainties.ix[:, 'name']
uncertainties.drop(['name'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# check if type column is there
infer_type = False
if ('TYPE' not in uncertainties) and ('type' not in uncertainties):
infer_type = True
elif ('TYPE' in uncertainties):
types = uncertainties.ix[:, 'TYPE']
uncertainties.drop(['TYPE'], axis=1, inplace=True)
types = uncertainties.ix[:, 'type']
uncertainties.drop(['type'], axis=1, inplace=True)
uncs = []
for i, row in uncertainties.iterrows():
name = names[i]
values = row.values[row.notnull().values]
type = None # @ReservedAssignment
if infer_type:
if len(values) != 2:
type = 'cat' # @ReservedAssignment
l, u = values
if isinstance(
l, numbers.Integral) and isinstance(
u, numbers.Integral):
type = 'int' # @ReservedAssignment
type = 'real' # @ReservedAssignment
type = types[i] # @ReservedAssignment
if (type != 'cat') and (len(values) != 2):
raise ValueError(
'too many values specified for {}, is {}, should be 2'.format(
name, values.shape[0]))
if type == 'cat':
uncs.append(parameter_map[type](name, values))
uncs.append(parameter_map[type](name, *values))
return uncs