Source code for emat.scope.measure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy
import re
from ..workbench import ScalarOutcome
from .names import ShortnameMixin, TaggableMixin

[docs]class Measure(ScalarOutcome, ShortnameMixin, TaggableMixin): ''' Measure represents an outcome measure of the model. Args: name (str): Name of the measure. kind (str or int, optional): one of {'info', 'minimize', 'maximize'}, defaults to 'info' if not given. This represents the generally preferred direction of the measure. min (number, optional): An expected minimum value that might be observed under any policy and scenario. This value is currently only used by the HyperVolume convergence metric. max (number, optional): An expected maximum value that might be observed under any policy and scenario. This value is currently only used by the HyperVolume convergence metric. address (obj, optional): The address or instruction for how to extract this measure from the model. This is model-specific and can potentially be any Python object. For example, if the model is an Excel model, this can be a cell reference given as a `str`. dtype ({'real','int','bool','cat'}, default 'real'): The desired dtype to be enforced for this measure. function (callable, optional): A callable function that will be used to transform the raw measure as returned by a core model. This transformation will be applied to core model results by the evaluator before they are returned to the user or stored in a database. It is recommended that EMAT analysis work with the original untransformed raw values, and employ the `metamodeltype` functionality as required for non-linear responses. transform (str, optional): As an alternative to passing a callable object, use this argument to pass the name of a `numpy` function. This argument is ignored if `function` is given. variable_name (str, optional): The name of the raw measure as output by the underlying core model. If not given, this name is assumed to be the same as `name`. If no `transform` is set, it is strongly recommended to not give this argument either. A principal use of this argument is to descriptively rename measures that have been transformed, for example if the raw output measure is 'Total VMT' and a log transform function is applied, the result can be more descriptively renamed as 'log(Total VMT)'. metamodeltype (str, optional): The transformation type to use for metamodel estimation. This transformation is applied only internally within the metamodel, and all inputs and outputs passed to or from the metamodel will not appear in a transformed state, including measure values stored within the database. Available metamodel types include: + *log*: The natural log of the performance measure is taken before fitting the regression model. This is appropriate only when the performance measure will always give a strictly positive outcome. If the performance measure can take on non-positive values, this may result in errors. + *log1p*: The natural log of 1 plus the performance measure is taken before fitting the regression model. This is preferred to log-linear when the performance measure is only guaranteed to be non-negative, rather than strictly positive. + *logxp(X)*: The natural log of X plus the performance measure is taken before fitting the regression model. This allows shifting the position of the regression intercept to a point other than 0. + *linear*: No transforms are made. This is the default. Attributes: name (str): Name of the measure. kind (int): {MINIMIZE, MAXIMIZE, INFO} transform (str): The name of the transform function, if any. address (obj): The address or instruction for how to extract this measure from the model. metamodeltype (str): The transformation type to use for metamodel estimation. ''' def __init__( self, name, kind=ScalarOutcome.INFO, min=None, max=None, address=None, dtype=None, function=None, transform=None, variable_name=None, metamodeltype=None, shortname=None, desc=None, formula=None, tags=None, parser=None, ): if isinstance(kind, str): if kind.lower()=='minimize': kind = ScalarOutcome.MINIMIZE elif kind.lower()=='maximize': kind = ScalarOutcome.MAXIMIZE elif kind.lower() == 'info': kind = ScalarOutcome.INFO else: raise TypeError(f'invalid kind {kind}') if transform is None: func = function if function is not None: transform = re.sub(' at 0x[0-9a-fA-F]*', '', f'f:{function}') elif isinstance(transform, str) and hasattr(numpy, transform): func = getattr(numpy, transform) elif isinstance(transform, str) and transform.lower() in ('none',): func = None else: raise TypeError(f'invalid transform {transform}') if min is not None and max is not None: expected_range = (min, max) else: expected_range = None super().__init__(name, kind=kind, function=func, expected_range=expected_range, variable_name=variable_name) self.transform = transform if transform is not None else 'none' self.address = address self.dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else 'real' self.metamodeltype = metamodeltype if metamodeltype is not None else 'linear' self._shortname = shortname self.desc = desc """str: Human readable description of this performance measure, for reference only""" self.formula = formula """str: An eval-able expression to compute this performance measure from other measures""" self.parser = parser """dict: Instructions for how to parse this performance measure from raw output files""" if tags: if isinstance(tags, str): tags = [tags] for tag in tags: self.add_tag(tag) def __repr__(self): return super().__repr__() def _hash_it(self, ha=None): from ..util.hasher import hash_it return hash_it(, self.kind, self._expected_range, self.address, self.dtype, self.function is None, self.transform, tuple(self.variable_name), self.shape, self.shortname, self.metamodeltype, ha=ha, )
[docs] def info(self, return_string=False): """Print some information about this measure Args: return_string (bool): Defaults False (print to stdout) but if given as True then this function returns the string instead of printing it. """ if return_string: import io f = io.StringIO else: f = None print(f"{}:") if self._shortname: print(f" shortname: {self._shortname}", file=f) kind = { ScalarOutcome.MINIMIZE: 'minimize', ScalarOutcome.MAXIMIZE: 'maximize', ScalarOutcome.INFO: 'info', }.get(self.kind) print(f" kind: {kind}", file=f) if self.address: print(f" address: {self.address}", file=f) if self.dtype != 'real': print(f" dtype: {self.dtype}", file=f) if self.metamodeltype != 'linear': print(f" metamodeltype: {self.metamodeltype}", file=f) try: expected_range = self.expected_range except ValueError: expected_range = None if expected_range is not None: print(f" min: {expected_range[0]}", file=f) print(f" max: {expected_range[1]}", file=f) if return_string: return f.getvalue()