Source code for emat.analysis.explore_2.twoway

import numpy
import pandas
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.callbacks import BoxSelector, LassoSelector
from ipywidgets import HBox, VBox, Dropdown, Label, Text, Output
from ...viz import colors
from ...util.naming import clean_name, multiindex_to_strings
from .explore_visualizer import Visualizer
from .menu import Menu

import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger('EMAT.widget')

# def _debugprint(s):
# 	print(s.replace("rgb(255, 127, 14)", "<ORANGE>").replace("rgb(255, 46, 241)","<PINK>"))

class BaseTwoWayFigure():

	def __init__(
		assert isinstance(viz, Visualizer)
		self._dfv = viz
		self._alt_selections = {}

	def scope(self):
		return self._dfv.scope

	def selection(self):
		return self._dfv.active_selection()

	def _get_sectional_names(self, columns):
		scope = self.scope
		uncs = scope.get_uncertainty_names()
		levs = scope.get_lever_names()
		cons = scope.get_constant_names()
		meas = scope.get_measure_names()

		c_uncs = []
		c_levs = []
		c_cons = []
		c_meas = []
		c_other = []

		for c in columns:
			if c in uncs:
			elif c in levs:
			elif c in cons:
			elif c in meas:

		result = []
		if len(c_uncs):
			result.append("-- (X) Uncertainties --")
		if len(c_levs):
			result.append("-- (L) Levers --")
		if len(c_cons):
			result.append("-- Constants --")
		if len(c_meas):
			result.append("-- (M) Measures --")
		if len(c_other):
			result.append("-- Other --")

		return result

	def _get_shortname(self, name):
		if self.scope is None:
			return name
		return self.scope.shortname(name)

	def _manage_categorical(self, x, perturb=True):
			valid_scales = ['linear']
			x_categories = None
			x_ticktext = None
			x_tickvals = None
			if not isinstance(x, pandas.Series):
				x = pandas.Series(x)
				if numpy.issubdtype(x.dtype, numpy.bool_):
					x = x.astype('category')
			except TypeError:
			if isinstance(x.dtype, pandas.CategoricalDtype):
				x_categories =
				codes =
				x = codes.astype(float)
				s_ = x.size * 0.01
				s_ = s_ / (1 + s_)
				epsilon = 0.05 + 0.20 * s_
				if perturb:
					x = x + numpy.random.uniform(-epsilon, epsilon, size=x.shape)
				x_tickmode = 'array'
				x_ticktext = list(x_categories)
				x_tickvals = list(range(len(x_ticktext)))
				if x.min() >= 0:

			return x, x_ticktext, x_tickvals, valid_scales
			_logger.exception('ERROR IN _manage_categorical')

[docs]class TwoWayFigure(HBox, BaseTwoWayFigure): """ The two-way visualizer widget. This class encapsulates a TMIP-EMAT interactive widget that displays a configurable two dimensional scatter plot of Visualizer data. Dropdown menus allow the user to change the data dimensions displayed on the x and y axes, as well as create and manipulate new selection sets directly from the interactive widget. Args: viz (emat.Visualizer): The visualizer object to link for this two-way. target_marker_opacity (numeric, default 1000): The number of scatter point markers to display fully opaque. If the number of markers displayed exceeds this value, each marker is rendered partially transparent, such that the total marker weight (opacity * number of markers) is loosely approximate to this total value. minimum_marker_opacity (float, default 0.25): This is the minimum marker opacity used, notwithstanding any transparency level implied by `target_marker_opacity`. use_gl (bool, default True): Use Plotly's `Scattergl` instead of `Scatter`, which may provide some performance benefit for large data sets. """ def __init__( self, viz, target_marker_opacity=1000, minimum_marker_opacity=0.25, use_gl=True, ): BaseTwoWayFigure.__init__(self, viz) axis_choices = self._get_sectional_names( self.x_axis_choose = Dropdown( options=axis_choices, # description='X Axis',[0], ) self.x_axis_scale = Dropdown( options=['linear' ,], value='linear', ) self.y_axis_choose = Dropdown( options=axis_choices, # description='Y Axis',[-1], ) self.y_axis_scale = Dropdown( options=['linear' ,], value='linear', ) self.selection_choose = Dropdown( options=list(self._dfv.selection_names()) + ['Expr'] + list(self._alt_selections.keys()), value='None', ) self.selection_edit_menu = Menu( "Edit Selection...", { "Use Manual Selection":self._use_manual_selection, } ) self.selection_expr = Text( value='True', disabled=True, ) self.selection_name = Text( value='', disabled=True, ) self.axis_choose = VBox( [ Label("X Axis"), self.x_axis_choose, self.x_axis_scale, Label("Y Axis"), self.y_axis_choose, self.y_axis_scale, Label("Selection"), self._dfv._active_selection_chooser, self.selection_edit_menu, self.selection_name, ], layout=dict( overflow='hidden', ) ) self.minimum_marker_opacity = minimum_marker_opacity self.target_marker_opacity = target_marker_opacity marker_opacity = self._compute_marker_opacity() self._x_data_range = [0 ,1] self._y_data_range = [0 ,1] Scatter = go.Scattergl if use_gl else go.Scatter self.scattergraph = Scatter( x=None, y=None, mode = 'markers', marker=dict( opacity=marker_opacity[0], color=None, colorscale=[[0, colors.DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR], [1, colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR]], cmin=0, cmax=1, ), name='Cases', ) self.x_hist = go.Histogram( x=None, # name='x density', marker=dict( color=colors.DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR, # opacity=0.7, ), yaxis='y2', bingroup='xxx', ) self.y_hist = go.Histogram( y=None, # name='y density', marker=dict( color=colors.DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR, # opacity=0.7, ), xaxis='x2', bingroup='yyy', ) self.x_hist_s = go.Histogram( x=None, marker=dict( color=colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, # opacity=0.7, ), yaxis='y2', bingroup='xxx', ) self.y_hist_s = go.Histogram( y=None, marker=dict( color=colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, # opacity=0.7, ), xaxis='x2', bingroup='yyy', ) self.graph = go.FigureWidget() self.scattergraph = self.graph.add_trace(self.scattergraph).data[-1] self.x_hist = self.graph.add_trace(self.x_hist).data[-1] self.y_hist = self.graph.add_trace(self.y_hist).data[-1] self.x_hist_s = self.graph.add_trace(self.x_hist_s).data[-1] self.y_hist_s = self.graph.add_trace(self.y_hist_s).data[-1] self.graph.layout =dict( xaxis=dict( domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=True, #[0], ), yaxis=dict( domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=True, #[-1], ), xaxis2=dict( domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=True, zeroline=True, zerolinecolor='#FFF', zerolinewidth=4, ), yaxis2=dict( domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=True, zeroline=True, zerolinecolor='#FFF', zerolinewidth=4, ), barmode="overlay", showlegend=False, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=10, b=10), dragmode="lasso", ) self.x_axis_choose.observe(self._observe_change_column_x, names='value') self.y_axis_choose.observe(self._observe_change_column_y, names='value') self.x_axis_scale.observe(self._observe_change_scale_x, names='value') self.y_axis_scale.observe(self._observe_change_scale_y, names='value') self.selection_choose.observe(self._on_change_selection_choose, names='value') self.selection_expr.observe(self._on_change_selection_expr, names='value') self.set_x([0], drawbox=False) self.set_y([-1]) self.scattergraph.meta = multiindex_to_strings( if hover_name = else: hover_name = "Experiment" self.scattergraph.hovertemplate = f"%{{xaxis.title.text}}: %{{x}}<br>%{{yaxis.title.text}}: %{{y}}<extra>{hover_name} %{{meta}}</extra>" self.draw_box() super().__init__( [ self.graph, self.axis_choose, ], layout=dict( align_items='center', ) ) self.scattergraph.on_selection(self._on_select_points) self.out_logger = Output() self._update_state_ = set() def _compute_marker_opacity(self): # if self.selection is None: # marker_opacity = 1.0 # if len( > self.target_marker_opacity: # marker_opacity = self.target_marker_opacity / len( # if marker_opacity < self.minimum_marker_opacity: # marker_opacity = self.minimum_marker_opacity # return marker_opacity, 1.0 # else: marker_opacity = [1.0, 1.0] n_selected = int(self._dfv.active_selection().sum()) n_unselect = len( - n_selected if n_unselect > self.target_marker_opacity: marker_opacity[0] = self.target_marker_opacity / n_unselect if marker_opacity[0] < self.minimum_marker_opacity: marker_opacity[0] = self.minimum_marker_opacity if n_selected > self.target_marker_opacity: marker_opacity[1] = self.target_marker_opacity / n_selected if marker_opacity[1] < self.minimum_marker_opacity: marker_opacity[1] = self.minimum_marker_opacity return marker_opacity @property def _x_data_width(self): w = self._x_data_range[1] - self._x_data_range[0] if w > 0: return w return 1 @property def _y_data_width(self): w = self._y_data_range[1] - self._y_data_range[0] if w > 0: return w return 1 def _observe_change_column_x(self, payload): if payload['new'][:3] == '-- ' and payload['new'][-3:] == ' --': # Just a heading, not a real option payload['owner'].value = payload['old'] return self.set_x(payload['new']) def _observe_change_column_y(self, payload): if payload['new'][:3] == '-- ' and payload['new'][-3:] == ' --': # Just a heading, not a real option payload['owner'].value = payload['old'] return self.set_y(payload['new']) def _observe_change_scale_x(self, payload): self.set_x(self.x_axis_choose.value) def _observe_change_scale_y(self, payload): self.set_y(self.y_axis_choose.value) def set_x(self, col, drawbox=True): """ Set the new X axis data. Args: col (str or array-like): The name of the new `x` column in `df`, or a computed array or pandas.Series of values. """ try: with self.graph.batch_update(): this_label = None if isinstance(col, str): x =[col] this_label = self._get_shortname(col) else: x = col try: this_label = self._get_shortname( except: pass x, x_ticktext, x_tickvals, x_scales = self._manage_categorical(x) self.x_axis_scale.options = x_scales self._x = x self._x_ticktext = x_ticktext or [] self._x_tickvals = x_tickvals or [] is_linear = (self.x_axis_scale.value == 'linear') is_log = (self.x_axis_scale.value == 'log') if this_label is not None: self.graph.layout.xaxis.title = this_label = this_label +' Unselected Density' = this_label +' Selected Density' else: self.graph.layout.xaxis.title = 'x axis' = 'Unselected Density' = 'Selected Density' # if self.selection is None: # self.scattergraph.x = x # self.x_hist.x = x if is_linear else None # self.x_hist_s.x = None # else: self.scattergraph.x = x self.x_hist.x = x if is_linear else None self.x_hist_s.x = x[self.selection] if is_linear else None if x_ticktext is not None: self._x_data_range = [x.min(), x.max()] self.graph.layout.xaxis.range = ( self._x_data_range[0] - 0.3, self._x_data_range[1] + 0.3, ) self.graph.layout.xaxis.tickmode = 'array' self.graph.layout.xaxis.ticktext = x_ticktext self.graph.layout.xaxis.tickvals = x_tickvals self.x_hist.xbins = dict( start=-0.25, end=self._x_data_range[1] + 0.25, size=0.5, ) self.x_hist.autobinx = False else: self._x_data_range = [x.min(), x.max()] self.graph.layout.xaxis.range = ( self._x_data_range[0] - self._x_data_width * 0.07, self._x_data_range[1] + self._x_data_width * 0.07, ) self.graph.layout.xaxis.type = self.x_axis_scale.value self.graph.layout.xaxis.tickmode = None self.graph.layout.xaxis.ticktext = None self.graph.layout.xaxis.tickvals = None self.x_hist.xbins = None self.x_hist.autobinx = True if drawbox: self.draw_box() except: _logger.exception('ERROR IN DataFrameViewer.set_x') raise def set_y(self, col): """ Set the new Y axis data. Args: col (str or array-like): The name of the new `y` column in `df`, or a computed array or pandas.Series of values. """ with self.graph.batch_update(): this_label = None if isinstance(col, str): y =[col] this_label = self._get_shortname(col) else: y = col try: this_label = self._get_shortname( except: pass y, y_ticktext, y_tickvals, y_scales = self._manage_categorical(y) self.y_axis_scale.options = y_scales self._y = y self._y_ticktext = y_ticktext or [] self._y_tickvals = y_tickvals or [] is_linear = (self.y_axis_scale.value == 'linear') is_log = (self.y_axis_scale.value == 'log') if this_label is not None: self.graph.layout.yaxis.title = this_label = this_label +' Unselected Density' = this_label +' Selected Density' else: self.graph.layout.yaxis.title = 'y axis' = 'Unselected Density' = 'Selected Density' if self.selection is None: self.scattergraph.y = y self.y_hist.y = y if is_linear else None self.y_hist_s.y = None else: self.scattergraph.y = y self.y_hist.y = y if is_linear else None self.y_hist_s.y = y[self.selection] if is_linear else None if y_ticktext is not None: self._y_data_range = [y.min(), y.max()] self.graph.layout.yaxis.range = ( self._y_data_range[0] - 0.3, self._y_data_range[1] + 0.3, ) self.graph.layout.yaxis.tickmode = 'array' self.graph.layout.yaxis.ticktext = y_ticktext self.graph.layout.yaxis.tickvals = y_tickvals self.y_hist.ybins = dict( start=-0.25, end=self._y_data_range[1] + 0.25, size=0.5, ) self.y_hist.autobiny = False else: self._y_data_range = [y.min(), y.max()] self.graph.layout.yaxis.range = ( self._y_data_range[0] - self._y_data_width * 0.07, self._y_data_range[1] + self._y_data_width * 0.07, ) self.graph.layout.yaxis.type = self.y_axis_scale.value self.graph.layout.yaxis.tickmode = None self.graph.layout.yaxis.ticktext = None self.graph.layout.yaxis.tickvals = None self.y_hist.ybins = None self.y_hist.autobiny = True self.draw_box() def change_selection_color(self, new_color=None): if new_color is None: new_color = colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR with self.graph.batch_update(): self.scattergraph.marker.colorscale = [[0, colors.DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR], [1, new_color]] self.x_hist_s.marker.color = new_color self.y_hist_s.marker.color = new_color def change_selection(self, new_selection): if new_selection is None: self.selection = None # Update Selected Portion of Scatters x = self._x y = self._y with self.graph.batch_update(): self.scattergraph.x = x self.scattergraph.y = y self.scattergraph.marker.color = numpy.zeros(x.shape, numpy.int8) marker_opacity = self._compute_marker_opacity() self.scattergraph.marker.opacity = marker_opacity[0] # Update Selected Portion of Histograms self.x_hist_s.x = None self.y_hist_s.y = None self.draw_box() return if new_selection.size != len( raise ValueError(f"new selection size ({new_selection.size}) " f"does not match length of data ({len(})") #self.selection = new_selection with self.graph.batch_update(): # Update Selected Portion of Scatters x = self._x y = self._y self.scattergraph.x = x # [~self.selection] self.scattergraph.y = y # [~self.selection] selection_as_int = self.selection.astype(int) self.scattergraph.marker.color = selection_as_int marker_opacity = self._compute_marker_opacity() self.scattergraph.marker.opacity = [marker_opacity[j] for j in selection_as_int] # Update Selected Portion of Histograms self.x_hist_s.x = x[self.selection] self.y_hist_s.y = y[self.selection] self.draw_box() def draw_box(self): from import Bounds x_label = self.x_axis_choose.value y_label = self.y_axis_choose.value background_shapes, foreground_shapes = [], [] box = None if self._dfv.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._dfv._selection_defs[self._dfv.active_selection_name()] elif self._dfv.active_selection_deftype() == 'primbox': box = self._dfv._selection_defs[self._dfv.active_selection_name()].to_emat_box() if box is not None: if x_label in box.thresholds or y_label in box.thresholds: x_lo, x_hi = None, None thresh = box.thresholds.get(x_label) if isinstance(thresh, Bounds): x_lo, x_hi = thresh if isinstance(thresh, set): x_lo, x_hi = [], [] for tickval, ticktext in zip(self._x_tickvals, self._x_ticktext): if ticktext in thresh: x_lo.append(tickval -0.3) x_hi.append(tickval +0.3) if x_lo is None: x_lo = self._x.min( ) -self._x_data_width * 0.02 if x_hi is None: x_hi = self._x.max( ) +self._x_data_width * 0.02 if not isinstance(x_lo, list): x_lo = [x_lo] if not isinstance(x_hi, list): x_hi = [x_hi] y_lo, y_hi = None, None thresh = box.thresholds.get(y_label) if isinstance(thresh, Bounds): y_lo, y_hi = thresh if isinstance(thresh, set): y_lo, y_hi = [], [] for tickval, ticktext in zip(self._y_tickvals, self._y_ticktext): if ticktext in thresh: y_lo.append(tickval -0.3) y_hi.append(tickval +0.3) if y_lo is None: y_lo = self._y.min( ) -self._y_data_width * 0.02 if y_hi is None: y_hi = self._y.max( ) +self._y_data_width * 0.02 if not isinstance(y_lo, list): y_lo = [y_lo] if not isinstance(y_hi, list): y_hi = [y_hi] x_pairs = list(zip(x_lo, x_hi)) y_pairs = list(zip(y_lo, y_hi)) background_shapes += [ # Rectangle background color go.layout.Shape( type="rect", xref="x1", yref="y1", x0=x_pair[0], y0=y_pair[0], x1=x_pair[1], y1=y_pair[1], line=dict( width=0, ), fillcolor=colors.DEFAULT_BOX_BG_COLOR, opacity=0.2, layer="below", ) for x_pair in x_pairs for y_pair in y_pairs ] foreground_shapes += [ # Rectangle reference to the axes go.layout.Shape( type="rect", xref="x1", yref="y1", x0=x_pair[0], y0=y_pair[0], x1=x_pair[1], y1=y_pair[1], line=dict( width=1, color=colors.DEFAULT_BOX_LINE_COLOR, ), fillcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', opacity=1.0, ) for x_pair in x_pairs for y_pair in y_pairs ] x_refpoint = self._dfv.reference_point(x_label) y_refpoint = self._dfv.reference_point(y_label) if x_refpoint is not None: _y_lo = self._y.min( ) -self._y_data_width * 0.02 _y_hi = self._y.max( ) +self._y_data_width * 0.02 foreground_shapes.append( go.layout.Shape( type="line", xref="x1", yref="y1", y0=_y_lo, x0=x_refpoint, y1=_y_hi, x1=x_refpoint, **colors.DEFAULT_REF_LINE_STYLE, ) ) if y_refpoint is not None: _x_lo = self._x.min( ) -self._x_data_width * 0.02 _x_hi = self._x.max( ) +self._x_data_width * 0.02 foreground_shapes.append( go.layout.Shape( type="line", xref="x1", yref="y1", x0=_x_lo, y0=y_refpoint, x1=_x_hi, y1=y_refpoint, **colors.DEFAULT_REF_LINE_STYLE, ) ) self.graph.layout.shapes = background_shapes +foreground_shapes def _selection_eval(self, txt): df ={i: clean_name(i) for i in}) return df.eval(txt).astype(bool) def _use_manual_selection(self): if 'Use Manual Target' not in self._alt_selections: return lasso_target = self._alt_selections['Use Manual Target'] del self._alt_selections['Use Manual Target'] lasso_select_name = self.selection_name.value self._dfv.new_selection(lasso_target, lasso_select_name, color=colors.DEFAULT_LASSO_COLOR, activate=True) self.refresh_selection_names() self.selection_name.disabled = True self.selection_name.value = "" self._clear_selection() def _on_change_selection_choose(self, payload): if "on_change_selection_choose" in self._update_state_: return if "refresh_selection_names" in self._update_state_: return self._update_state_.add("on_change_selection_choose") try: with self.graph.batch_update(): if payload['new'] != 'Expr': self.selection_expr.disabled = True if payload['new'] == 'Expr': self.selection_expr.disabled = False self._on_change_selection_expr({'new' :self.selection_expr.value}) elif payload['new'] in (self._dfv.selection_names()): self._dfv.set_active_selection_name(payload['new']) self.change_selection(self._dfv.active_selection()) elif payload['new'] == 'Use Manual Target': lasso_target = self._alt_selections['Use Manual Target'] del self._alt_selections['Use Manual Target'] lasso_select_name = self.selection_name.value self._dfv.new_selection(lasso_target, lasso_select_name, color=colors.DEFAULT_LASSO_COLOR) self.add_alt_selection(lasso_select_name, None) self.selection_choose.value = lasso_select_name self.selection_name.disabled = True self.selection_name.value = "" self._clear_selection() self._dfv.set_active_selection_name(lasso_select_name) self.change_selection(self._dfv.active_selection()) else: self.change_selection(self._alt_selections[payload['new']]) finally: self._update_state_.discard("on_change_selection_choose") def _clear_selection(self): self.scattergraph.selectedpoints = None self.x_hist.selectedpoints = None self.x_hist_s.selectedpoints = None self.y_hist.selectedpoints = None self.y_hist_s.selectedpoints = None def _on_change_selection_expr(self, payload): expression = payload['new'] try: sel = self._selection_eval(expression) except Exception as err: # print("FAILED ON EVAL\n",expression, err) pass else: try: self.change_selection(sel) except Exception as err: # print("FAILED ON SETTING\n", expression, err) pass else: # print("PASSED", expression) pass def add_alt_selection(self, key, value): """ Add a new possible alternative selection vector. Parameters ---------- key : str An identifier for the new selection vector. value : array-like of bool A vector of boolean values giving the selection. """ if value is not None: if value.size != len( raise ValueError(f"value size ({value.size}) " f"does not match length of data ({len(})") self._alt_selections[key] = value self.refresh_selection_names() def lasso_selected_indexes(self): """ Get the index values of points selected interactively in the figure. Returns ------- pandas.Index """ return[list(self.scattergraph.selectedpoints)] def lasso_selected_data(self): """ Get the full data of points selected interactively in the figure. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return[self.lasso_selected_indexes()] def lasso_selected(self): """ Get a boolean array indicating points selected interactively in the figure. Returns ------- pandas.Series """ s = pandas.Series(data=False, s.iloc[list(self.scattergraph.selectedpoints)] = True return s def _on_select_points(self, trace, points, selector): # callback function for selection s = pandas.Series(data=False, for i in points.point_inds: s.iloc[i] = True # with self.out_logger: # print(points) # print(selector) self.add_alt_selection("Use Manual Target", s) self.selection_name.disabled = False if isinstance(selector, LassoSelector): default_name = "Lasso Target" else: default_name = "Rectangular Target" if self.selection_name.value == "": self.selection_name.value = default_name tentative_name = self.selection_name.value n=2 while tentative_name in self._dfv.selection_names(): tentative_name = f"{default_name} {n}" n += 1 self.selection_name.value = tentative_name def refresh_selection_names(self): if "refresh_selection_names" in self._update_state_: return self._update_state_.add("refresh_selection_names") try: cache = self.selection_choose.value self.selection_choose.options = list(self._dfv.selection_names()) + ['Expr'] + list(self._alt_selections.keys()) self.selection_choose.value = self._dfv.active_selection_name() try: self.selection_choose.value = cache except: pass finally: self._update_state_.discard("refresh_selection_names")