Source code for emat.analysis.explore_2.explore_visualizer

import numpy
import pandas
import warnings
import functools
from ...viz import colors
from import GenericBox
from ...database import Database
from traitlets import TraitError

from plotly import graph_objs as go

from ipywidgets import Dropdown
import ipywidgets as widget

import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger('EMAT.widget')

from .explore_base import DataFrameExplorer
from ..prim import PrimBox
from ...exceptions import ScopeError

def _deselect_all_points(trace):
	trace.selectedpoints = None

# def _debugprint(s):
# 	print(s.replace("rgb(255, 127, 14)", "<ORANGE>").replace("rgb(255, 46, 241)","<PINK>"))

from .components import *

range_caption_css = (
	"<style> "
	".emat-rangecaption > input "
	"{ border: solid 1px #eeeeee !important; text-align: center;} "
	".emat-rangecaption > input::placeholder "

[docs]class Visualizer(DataFrameExplorer): """ A data visualization framework. Args: data (pandas.DataFrame or str): The base data to visualize. Give the data directly as a DataFrame, or give the name of a design that can be loaded from the `db` Database. selections (Mapping or pandas.DataFrame, optional): Any pre-existing selections. Each selection should be a boolean pandas.Series indexed the same as the data. scope (emat.Scope, optional): The scope that describes the data. active_selection_name (str, optional): The name of the selection to activate. reference_point (Mapping or pandas.DataFrame): An optional reference point to visualize. Give as a simple mapping, or as a one-row DataFrame with the same columns as `data`, or give the name of a one-row design that can be loaded from the `db` Database. db (emat.Database, optional): A database from which to read content. """ def __init__( self, data, selections=None, scope=None, active_selection_name=None, reference_point=None, *, db=None, ): if db is not None: if scope is None: scope = db.read_scope() elif isinstance(scope, str): scope = db.read_scope(scope) if isinstance(data, str): data = db.read_experiment_all(, design_name=data, ensure_dtypes=True, ) if isinstance(reference_point, str): reference_point = db.read_experiment_all(, design_name=reference_point, ensure_dtypes=True, ) if selections is None: from import Box selections = {'Explore': Box(name='Explore', scope=scope)} if active_selection_name is None: active_selection_name = 'Explore' super().__init__( data, selections=selections, active_selection_name=active_selection_name, reference_point=reference_point, ) self.scope = scope self._figures_hist = {} self._figures_freq = {} self._base_histogram = {} self._categorical_data = {} self._freeze = False self._two_way = {} self._three_way = {} self._splom = {} self._hmm = {} self._parcoords = {} self._selection_feature_score_fig = None self._status_txt = widget.HTML( value="<i>Explore Status Not Set</i>", ) self._status_pie = go.FigureWidget( go.Pie( values=[75, 250], labels=['Inside', 'Outside'], hoverinfo='label+value', textinfo='percent', textfont_size=10, marker=dict( colors=[ self.active_selection_color(), colors.DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR, ], line=dict(color='#FFF', width=0.25), ) ), layout=dict( width=100, height=100, showlegend=False, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=10, b=10), ) ) self._status = widget.HBox( [ widget.VBox([self._active_selection_chooser, self._status_txt]), self._status_pie ], layout=dict( justify_content = 'space-between', align_items = 'center', ) ) self._update_status() def get_histogram_figure(self, col, bins=20, marker_line_width=None): try: this_type = self.scope.get_dtype(col) except: this_type = 'float' if this_type in ('cat','bool'): return self.get_frequency_figure(col) if this_type in ('int',): param = self.scope[col] if param.max - param.min + 1 <= bins * configuration.config.get("integer_bin_ratio", 4): print("OVERLOAD BINS",bins, configuration.config.get("integer_bin_ratio", 4), param.max - param.min + 1) bins = param.max - param.min + 1 if marker_line_width is None: marker_line_width = 0 self._create_histogram_figure(col, bins=bins, marker_line_width=marker_line_width) return self._figures_hist[col] def get_frequency_figure(self, col): if self.scope.get_dtype(col) == 'cat': labels = self.scope.get_cat_values(col) else: labels = [False, True] self._create_frequencies_figure(col, labels=labels) return self._figures_freq[col] def __get_plain_box(self): if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] elif self.active_selection_deftype() == 'primbox': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()].to_emat_box() else: box = None return box def _create_histogram_figure(self, col, bins=20, *, marker_line_width=None): if col in self._figures_hist: self._update_histogram_figure(col) else: selection = self.active_selection() box = self.__get_plain_box() fig = new_histogram_figure( selection,[col], bins, marker_line_width=marker_line_width, on_deselect=lambda *a: self._on_deselect_from_histogram(*a,name=col), on_select=lambda *a: self._on_select_from_histogram(*a,name=col), box=box, title_text=self.scope.shortname(col), ref_point=self.reference_point(col), selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), ) fig_rangecaption = widget.Text( value="", placeholder="any value", continuous_update=False, layout={'padding': '0px 25px 15px', }, ).add_class("emat-rangecaption") fig_rangecaption.observe( lambda payload: self._on_select_from_rangestring(payload, name=col), names='value', ) self._figures_hist[col] = widget.VBox([fig, fig_rangecaption, widget.HTML(range_caption_css)]) def _create_frequencies_figure(self, col, labels=None, *, marker_line_width=None): if col in self._figures_freq: self._update_frequencies_figure(col) else: selection = self.active_selection() box = self.__get_plain_box() fig = new_frequencies_figure( selection,[col], labels, marker_line_width=marker_line_width, on_deselect=functools.partial(self._on_deselect_from_histogram, name=col), on_select=functools.partial(self._on_select_from_freq, name=col), #on_click=functools.partial(self._on_click_from_frequencies, name=col), # not always stable box=box, title_text=self.scope.shortname(col), ref_point=self.reference_point(col), label_name_map=self.scope[col].abbrev, selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), ) fig_rangecaption = widget.Text( value="", placeholder="any value", continuous_update=False, layout={'padding': '0px 25px 15px', }, ).add_class("emat-rangecaption") fig_rangecaption.observe( lambda payload: self._on_select_from_setstring(payload, name=col), names='value', ) self._figures_freq[col] = widget.VBox([fig, fig_rangecaption, widget.HTML(range_caption_css)]) def _update_histogram_figure(self, col): if col in self._figures_hist: fig = self._figures_hist[col].children[0] box = self.__get_plain_box() with fig.batch_update(): update_histogram_figure( fig, self.active_selection(),[col], box=box, ref_point=self.reference_point(col), ) rangestring_input = self._figures_hist[col].children[1] if box is not None: bounds = box.thresholds.get(col, None) else: bounds = None rangestring_input.value = convert_bounds_to_rangestring(bounds) def _update_frequencies_figure(self, col): if col in self._figures_freq: fig = self._figures_freq[col].children[0] box = self.__get_plain_box() with fig.batch_update(): update_frequencies_figure( fig, self.active_selection(),[col], box=box, ref_point=self.reference_point(col), ) rangestring_input = self._figures_freq[col].children[1] if box is not None: allowedset = box.thresholds.get(col, None) else: allowedset = None rangestring_input.value = convert_set_to_rangestring(allowedset) def _compute_histogram(self, col, selection, bins=None): if col not in self._base_histogram: if bins is None: bins = 20 bar_heights, bar_x = numpy.histogram([col], bins=bins) self._base_histogram[col] = bar_heights, bar_x else: bar_heights, bar_x = self._base_histogram[col] bins_left = bar_x[:-1] bins_width = bar_x[1:] - bar_x[:-1] bar_heights_select, bar_x = numpy.histogram([col][selection], bins=bar_x) return bar_heights, bar_heights_select, bins_left, bins_width def _compute_frequencies(self, col, selection, labels): if col in self._categorical_data: v = self._categorical_data[col] else: self._categorical_data[col] = v =[col].astype( pandas.CategoricalDtype(categories=labels, ordered=False) ) if col not in self._base_histogram: bar_heights, bar_x = numpy.histogram(v, bins=numpy.arange(0, len(labels) + 1)) self._base_histogram[col] = bar_heights, bar_x else: bar_heights, bar_x = self._base_histogram[col] bar_heights_select, _ = numpy.histogram(v[selection], bins=numpy.arange(0, len(labels) + 1)) return bar_heights, bar_heights_select, labels def _on_select_from_histogram(self, *args, name=None): if self._freeze: return try: self._freeze = True select_min, select_max = args[2].xrange _logger.debug("name: %s range: %f - %f", name, select_min, select_max) self._figures_hist[name].children[0].for_each_trace(_deselect_all_points) if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] box = interpret_histogram_selection(name, args[2].xrange, box,, self.scope) self.new_selection(box, name=self.active_selection_name()) self._active_selection_changed() except: _logger.exception("error in _on_select_from_histogram") raise finally: self._freeze = False def _on_select_from_rangestring(self, payload, name=None): if self._freeze: return try: self._freeze = True from .components import convert_rangestring_to_tuple select_min, select_max = convert_rangestring_to_tuple(payload.get('new', None)) _logger.debug("name: %s range: %f - %f", name, select_min, select_max) if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] box = interpret_histogram_selection(name, (select_min, select_max), box,, self.scope) self.new_selection(box, name=self.active_selection_name()) self._active_selection_changed() except: _logger.exception("error in _on_select_from_histogram") raise finally: self._freeze = False def _on_deselect_from_histogram(self, *args, name=None): _logger.debug("deselect %s", name) if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] if name in box: del box[name] self.new_selection(box, name=self.active_selection_name()) self._active_selection_changed() def _on_select_from_freq(self, *args, name=None): select_min, select_max = args[2].xrange select_min = int(numpy.ceil(select_min)) select_max = int(numpy.ceil(select_max)) fig = self.get_figure(name).children[0] toggles = fig.layout['meta']['x_tick_values'][select_min:select_max] fig.for_each_trace(_deselect_all_points) if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] box.scope = self.scope if name not in box: for x in toggles: box.add_to_allowed_set(name, x) else: for x in toggles: if name not in box or x in box[name]: box.remove_from_allowed_set(name, x) if name in box and len(box[name]) == 0: del box[name] else: box.add_to_allowed_set(name, x) if toggles: self.new_selection(box, name=self.active_selection_name()) self._active_selection_changed() def _on_select_from_setstring(self, payload, name=None): if self._freeze: return try: self._freeze = True from .components import convert_rangestring_to_set allowed_set = convert_rangestring_to_set(payload.get('new', None)) if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] try: if allowed_set is None: if name in box._thresholds: del box._thresholds[name] else: box.replace_allowed_set(name, allowed_set) except ScopeError: pass else: self.new_selection(box, name=self.active_selection_name()) self._active_selection_changed() except: _logger.exception("error in _on_select_from_setstring") raise finally: self._freeze = False def _on_click_from_frequencies(self, *args, name=None): x = None if len(args) >= 2: xs = getattr(args[1],'xs',None) if xs: x = xs[0] if x is not None: if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] box.scope = self.scope if name not in box or x in box[name]: box.remove_from_allowed_set(name, x) if name in box and len(box[name]) == 0: del box[name] else: box.add_to_allowed_set(name, x) self.new_selection(box, name=self.active_selection_name()) self._active_selection_changed() def _active_selection_changed(self): if hasattr(self, '_active_selection_changing_'): return # prevent recursive looping try: self._active_selection_changing_ = True with self._status_pie.batch_update(): super()._active_selection_changed() self._pre_update_selection_feature_score_figure() self._update_status() for col in self._figures_hist: self._update_histogram_figure(col) for col in self._figures_freq: self._update_frequencies_figure(col) for key in self._two_way: self._two_way[key].refresh_selection_names() self._two_way[key]._on_change_selection_choose(payload={ 'new':self.active_selection_name(), }) for key in self._three_way: self._three_way[key].change_selection( self.active_selection(), self.active_selection_color(), ) self._update_sploms() self._update_hmms() self._update_selection_feature_score_figure() finally: del self._active_selection_changing_
[docs] def status(self): """Display the status widget.""" return self._status
def _update_status(self): text = '<span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:150%">{:,d} Cases Selected out of {:,d} Total Cases</span>' selection = self.active_selection() values = (int(numpy.sum(selection)), int(selection.size)) self._status_txt.value = text.format(*values)[0].values = [values[0], values[1]-values[0]] def get_figure(self, col): if col in self._figures_hist: return self._figures_hist[col] if col in self._figures_freq: return self._figures_freq[col] return None def _clear_boxes_on_figure(self, col): fig = self.get_figure(col).children[0] if fig is None: return foreground_shapes = [] refpoint = self.reference_point(col) if refpoint is not None: if refpoint in (True, False): refpoint = str(refpoint).lower() _y_max = sum(t.y for t in fig.select_traces()).max() y_range = ( -_y_max * 0.02, _y_max * 1.04, ) foreground_shapes.append( go.layout.Shape( type="line", xref="x1", yref="y1", x0=refpoint, y0=y_range[0], x1=refpoint, y1=y_range[1], **colors.DEFAULT_REF_LINE_STYLE, ) ) fig.layout.shapes= foreground_shapes fig.layout.title.font.color = 'black' fig.layout.title.text = col # def _draw_boxes_on_figure(self, col): # # if self.active_selection_deftype() != 'box': # self._clear_boxes_on_figure(col) # return # # fig = self.get_figure(col) # if fig is None: return # box = self._selection_defs[self.active_selection_name()] # if box is None: # self._clear_boxes_on_figure(col) # return # # from import Bounds # # if col in box.thresholds: # x_lo, x_hi = None, None # thresh = box.thresholds.get(col) # if isinstance(thresh, Bounds): # x_lo, x_hi = thresh # if isinstance(thresh, set): # x_lo, x_hi = [], [] # for tickval, ticktext in enumerate([0].x): # if ticktext in thresh: # x_lo.append(tickval-0.45) # x_hi.append(tickval+0.45) # # try: # x_range = ( #[0].x[0] - ([0].width[0] / 2), #[0].x[-1] + ([0].width[-1] / 2), # ) # except TypeError: # x_range = ( # -0.5, # len([0].x)+0.5 # ) # x_width = x_range[1] - x_range[0] # if x_lo is None: # x_lo = x_range[0]-x_width * 0.02 # if x_hi is None: # x_hi = x_range[1]+x_width * 0.02 # if not isinstance(x_lo, list): # x_lo = [x_lo] # if not isinstance(x_hi, list): # x_hi = [x_hi] # # y_lo, y_hi = None, None # _y_max = sum(t.y for t in fig.select_traces()).max() # y_range = ( # -_y_max * 0.02, # _y_max * 1.04, # ) # y_width = y_range[1] - y_range[0] # if y_lo is None: # y_lo = y_range[0]-y_width * 0 # if y_hi is None: # y_hi = y_range[1]+y_width * 0 # if not isinstance(y_lo, list): # y_lo = [y_lo] # if not isinstance(y_hi, list): # y_hi = [y_hi] # # x_pairs = list(zip(x_lo, x_hi)) # y_pairs = list(zip(y_lo, y_hi)) # # background_shapes = [ # # Rectangle background color # go.layout.Shape( # type="rect", # xref="x1", # yref="y1", # x0=x_pair[0], # y0=y_pair[0], # x1=x_pair[1], # y1=y_pair[1], # line=dict( # width=0, # ), # fillcolor=colors.DEFAULT_BOX_BG_COLOR, # opacity=0.2, # layer="below", # ) # for x_pair in x_pairs # for y_pair in y_pairs # ] # # foreground_shapes = [ # # Rectangle reference to the axes # go.layout.Shape( # type="rect", # xref="x1", # yref="y1", # x0=x_pair[0], # y0=y_pair[0], # x1=x_pair[1], # y1=y_pair[1], # line=dict( # width=2, # color=colors.DEFAULT_BOX_LINE_COLOR, # ), # fillcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', # opacity=1.0, # ) # for x_pair in x_pairs # for y_pair in y_pairs # ] # # refpoint = self.reference_point(col) # if refpoint is not None: # if refpoint in (True, False): # refpoint = str(refpoint).lower() # foreground_shapes.append( # go.layout.Shape( # type="line", # xref="x1", # yref="y1", # x0=refpoint, # y0=y_range[0], # x1=refpoint, # y1=y_range[1], # **colors.DEFAULT_REF_LINE_STYLE, # ) # ) # # fig.layout.shapes=background_shapes+foreground_shapes # fig.layout.title.font.color = colors.DEFAULT_BOX_LINE_COLOR # fig.layout.title.text = f'<b>{col}</b>' # else: # self._clear_boxes_on_figure(col) def _get_widgets(self, *include): if self.scope is None: raise ValueError('cannot create visualization with no scope') viz_widgets = [] for i in include: if i not in self.scope: warnings.warn(f'{i} not in scope') elif i not in warnings.warn(f'{i} not in data') else: fig = self.get_histogram_figure(i) if fig is not None: viz_widgets.append(fig) return widget.Box(viz_widgets, layout=widget.Layout(flex_flow='row wrap'))
[docs] def selectors(self, names): """ Display selector widgets for certain dimensions. This method returns an ipywidgets Box containing the selector widgets. Args: names (Collection[str]): These names will included in this set of widgets. If the name is not found in the scope or this visualizer's data, a warning is issued but the remaining valid widgets are still returned. Returns: ipywidgets.Box """ return self._get_widgets(*names)
[docs] def uncertainty_selectors(self): """ Display selector widgets for all uncertainties. Returns: ipywidgets.Box """ return self._get_widgets(*self.scope.get_uncertainty_names())
[docs] def lever_selectors(self): """ Display selector widgets for all policy levers. Returns: ipywidgets.Box """ return self._get_widgets(*self.scope.get_lever_names())
[docs] def measure_selectors(self): """ Display selector widgets for all performance measures. Returns: ipywidgets.Box """ return self._get_widgets(*self.scope.get_measure_names())
[docs] def complete(self, measures=None): """ Display status and selector widgets for all dimensions. Returns: ipywidgets.Box """ content = [self.status()] levers = self.lever_selectors() if levers.children: content += [ widget.HTML("<h3>Policy Levers</h3>"), levers, ] uncs = self.uncertainty_selectors() if uncs.children: content += [ widget.HTML("<h3>Exogenous Uncertainties</h3>"), uncs, ] if measures is None: meas = self.measure_selectors() else: meas = self.selectors(measures) if meas.children: content += [ widget.HTML("<h3>Performance Measures</h3>"), meas, ] return widget.VBox(content)
[docs] def set_active_selection_color(self, color): super().set_active_selection_color(color) for col, fig in self._figures_freq.items(): fig.children[0].data[0].marker.color = color for col, fig in self._figures_hist.items(): fig.children[0].data[0].marker.color = color c =[0].marker.colors[0].marker.colors = [color, c[1]] for k, twoway in self._two_way.items(): #_debugprint(f"twoway[{self._active_selection_name}][{k}] to {color}") twoway.change_selection_color(color)
def refresh_selection_names(self): super().refresh_selection_names() try: _two_way = self._two_way except AttributeError: pass else: for k, twoway in _two_way.items(): twoway.refresh_selection_names()
[docs] def two_way( self, key=None, reset=False, *, x=None, y=None, use_gl=True, ): """ Create or display a two-way widget. Args: key (hashable, optional): A hashable key value (e.g. `str`) to identify this two_way widget. Subsequent calls to this command with he same key will return references to the same widget, instead of creating new widgets. reset (bool, default False): Whether to reset the two_way widget for the given key. Doing so will create a new two_way widget, and will break any other existing references to the same keyed widget (they will no longer live update with this visualizer). x, y (str, optional): The names of the initial x- and y-axis dimensions to display. Because the resulting figure widget is interactive, these dimensions may be changed later. use_gl (bool, default True): Use Plotly's `Scattergl` instead of `Scatter`, which may provide some performance benefit for large data sets. Returns: TwoWayFigure """ if key is None and (x is not None or y is not None): key = (x,y) if key in self._two_way and not reset: return self._two_way[key] from .twoway import TwoWayFigure self._two_way[key] = TwoWayFigure(self, use_gl=use_gl) self._two_way[key].selection_choose.value = self.active_selection_name() def _try_set_value(where, value, describe): if value is not None: try: where.value = value except TraitError: warnings.warn(f'"{value}" is not a valid value for {describe}') _try_set_value(self._two_way[key].x_axis_choose, x, 'the x axis dimension') _try_set_value(self._two_way[key].y_axis_choose, y, 'the y axis dimension') return self._two_way[key]
[docs] def three_way( self, key=None, reset=False, *, x=None, y=None, z=None, s=None, ): """ Create or display a three-way widget. """ if key is None and (x is not None or y is not None or z is not None or s is not None): key = (x,y,z,s) if key in self._three_way and not reset: return self._three_way[key] from .threeway import ThreeWayFigure self._three_way[key] = ThreeWayFigure(self, x=x,y=y,z=z,s=s) return self._three_way[key]
[docs] def splom( self, key=None, reset=False, *, cols='M', rows='L', use_gl=True, ): """ Create or display a scatter plot matrix widget. Args: key (hashable, optional): A hashable key value (e.g. `str`) to identify this splom widget. Subsequent calls to this command with he same key will return references to the same widget, instead of creating new widgets. reset (bool, default False): Whether to reset the two_way widget for the given key. Doing so will create a new splom widget, and will break any other existing references to the same keyed widget (they will no longer live update with this visualizer). cols, rows (str or Collection[str]): The dimensions to display across each of the columns (rows) of the scatter plot matrix. Can be given as a list of dimension names, or a single string that is some subset of 'XLM' to include all uncertainties, policy levers, and/or performance measures respectively. use_gl (bool, default True): Use Plotly's `Scattergl` instead of `Scatter`, which may provide some performance benefit for large data sets. Returns: plotly.FigureWidget """ if not isinstance(rows, str): rows = tuple(rows) if not isinstance(cols, str): cols = tuple(cols) if key is None and (cols is not None or rows is not None): key = (cols,rows) if key in self._splom and not reset: return self._splom[key] box = None if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name] elif self.active_selection_deftype() == 'primbox': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name].to_emat_box() self._splom[key] = new_splom_figure( self.scope,, rows=rows, cols=cols, use_gl=use_gl, mass=250, row_titles='side', size=150, selection=self.active_selection(), box=box, refpoint=self._reference_point, figure_class=go.FigureWidget, on_select=functools.partial(self._on_select_from_splom, name=key), selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), ) return self._splom[key]
def _on_select_from_splom(self, row, col, trace, points, selection, name=None): # if len(points.point_inds)==0: # return # print("name=",name) # print(row, col, "->", selection) # print( "->", selection.xrange) # print( "->", selection.yrange) # print( "->", type(selection.yrange)) # trace.selectedpoints = None pass def _update_sploms(self): box = None if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name] elif self.active_selection_deftype() == 'primbox': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name].to_emat_box() for fig in self._splom.values(): with fig.batch_update(): update_splom_figure( self.scope,, fig, self.active_selection(), box, mass=None, selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), )
[docs] def hmm( self, key=None, reset=False, *, cols='M', rows='L', emph_selected=True, show_points=30, size=150, with_hover=True, ): """ Create or display a heat map matrix widget. Args: key (hashable, optional): A hashable key value (e.g. `str`) to identify this hmm widget. Subsequent calls to this command with he same key will return references to the same widget, instead of creating new widgets. reset (bool, default False): Whether to reset the two_way widget for the given key. Doing so will create a new hmm widget, and will break any other existing references to the same keyed widget (they will no longer live update with this visualizer). cols, rows (str or Collection[str]): The dimensions to display across each of the columns (rows) of the heat map matrix. Can be given as a list of dimension names, or a single string that is some subset of 'XLM' to include all uncertainties, policy levers, and/or performance measures respectively. emph_selected (bool, default True): Emphasize selected points, using a variety of techniques to ensure that small sized selections remain visible. If disabled, when small sized selections are shown from large visualization datasets, the selected points will typically become washed out and undetectable. show_points (int, default 30): If `emph_selected` is true and the number of selected points is less than this threshold, the selection will be overlaid on the heatmap as a scatter plot instead of a heatmap colorization. size (int, default 150): The plot size for each heatmap. Returns: plotly.FigureWidget """ if not isinstance(rows, str): rows = tuple(rows) if not isinstance(cols, str): cols = tuple(cols) if key is None and (cols is not None or rows is not None): key = (cols,rows) if key in self._hmm and not reset: return self._hmm[key] box = None if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name] elif self.active_selection_deftype() == 'primbox': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name].to_emat_box() self._hmm[key] = new_hmm_figure( self.scope,, rows=rows, cols=cols, row_titles='side', size=size, selection=self.active_selection(), box=box, refpoint=self._reference_point, figure_class=go.FigureWidget, emph_selected=emph_selected, show_points=show_points, selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), with_hover=with_hover, ) return self._hmm[key]
def _update_hmms(self): box = None if self.active_selection_deftype() == 'box': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name] elif self.active_selection_deftype() == 'primbox': name = self.active_selection_name() box = self._selection_defs[name].to_emat_box() for fig in self._hmm.values(): with fig.batch_update(): update_hmm_figure( self.scope,, fig, self.active_selection(), box, selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), )
[docs] def parcoords( self, key=None, reset=False, *, coords='XLM', ): """ Args: key (hashable, optional): A hashable key value (e.g. `str`) to identify this parcoords widget. Subsequent calls to this command with he same key will return references to the same widget, instead of creating new widgets. reset (bool, default False): Whether to reset the parcoords widget for the given key. Doing so will create a new parcoords widget, and will break any other existing references to the same keyed widget (they will no longer live update with this visualizer). coords (str or Collection[str]): Names of the visualizer dimensions to display in this parcoords widget. Give a list-like set of named dimensions, or a string that is some subset of 'XLM' to include all uncertainties, policy levers, and/or performance measures respectively. Returns: plotly.FigureWidget: A parallel coordinates plot. """ if not isinstance(coords, str): coords = tuple(coords) if key is None and coords is not None: key = coords if key in self._parcoords and not reset: return self._parcoords[key] self._parcoords[key] = new_parcoords_figure( self.scope,, coords=coords, selection=self.active_selection(), figure_class=go.FigureWidget, selected_color=self.active_selection_color(), # on_select=functools.partial(self._on_select_from_splom, name=key), ) return self._parcoords[key]
[docs] def new_selection(self, value, name=None, color=None, activate=True): """ Add a new selection set to the Visualizer. Args: value (Box, PrimBox, str, or array-like): The new selection. If given as an `emat.Box`, the selection is defined entirely by the boundaries of the box, as applied to the visualizer data. If given as a `PrimBox`, the box boundaries are defined by the selected point on the peeling trajectory (and are immutable within the Visualizer interface), but the selection is taken from the Prim target. If given as a `str`, a new immutable selection array is created by evaluating the string in the context of the visualizer data. If given as an array-like, the array is used to explicitly define an immutable selection. name (str, optional): A name for this selection. If not given, the name is inferred from the `name` attribute of the `value` argument, if possible. color (str, optional): A color to use for this selection, in "rgb(n,n,n)" format. If not provided, a default color is selected based on the type of `value`. activate (bool, default True): Whether to immediately make this new selection as the "active" selection for this visualizer. Raises: TypeError: If `name` is not a string or cannot be inferred. """ if name is None and hasattr(value, 'name'): name = if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f'selection names must be str not {type(name)}') color = None if value is None: from import Box value = Box(name=name, scope=self.scope) if isinstance(value, GenericBox): color = colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR elif isinstance(value, str): color = colors.DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_COLOR elif isinstance(value, pandas.Series): color = colors.DEFAULT_LASSO_COLOR elif isinstance(value, PrimBox): color = colors.DEFAULT_PRIMTARGET_COLOR super().new_selection(value, name=name, color=color, activate=activate)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.new_selection(value, name=key) def __getitem__(self, item): if item not in self.selection_names(): return KeyError(item) return self._selection_defs.get(item, None)
[docs] def prim(self, data='parameters', target=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new Prim search for this Visualizer. Args: data ({'parameters', 'levers', 'uncertainties', 'measures', 'all'}): Limit the restricted dimensions to only be drawn from this subset of possible dimensions from the scope. Defaults to 'parameters` (i.e. levers and uncertainties). target (str, optional): If not given, the current active selection is used as the target for Prim. Otherwise, give the name of an existing selection, or an expression to be evaluated on the visualizer data to create a new target. **kwargs: All other keyword arguments are forwarded to the `emat.analysis.Prim` constructor. Returns: emat.analysis.Prim """ from ..prim import Prim if target is None: of_interest = self.active_selection() elif isinstance(target, str): try: of_interest = self._selections[target] except KeyError: self.new_selection(target, name=f"PRIM Target: {target}") of_interest = self.active_selection() else: self.new_selection(target, name="PRIM Target") of_interest = self.active_selection() if data == 'parameters': data_ =[self.scope.get_parameter_names()] elif data == 'levers': data_ =[self.scope.get_lever_names()] elif data == 'uncertainties': data_ =[self.scope.get_uncertainty_names()] elif data == 'measures': data_ =[self.scope.get_measure_names()] elif data == 'all': data_ = else: data_ =[data] self._prim_target = of_interest if (of_interest).all(): raise ValueError("all points are in the target, cannot run PRIM") if (~of_interest).all(): raise ValueError("no points are in the target, cannot run PRIM") result = Prim( data_, of_interest, **kwargs, ) result._explorer = self return result
[docs] def clear_box(self, name=None): """ Clear the contents of an editable selection box. If the selection to be cleared is not editable (i.e. if it is not based on an :class:`emat.Box`) this method does nothing. Args: name (str, optional): The name of the box to clear. If not specified, the currently active selection is cleared. """ if name is None: name = self.active_selection_name() if self.selection_deftype(name) == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[name] if box.thresholds: box.clear() self[name] = box self._active_selection_changed()
[docs] def new_box(self, name, **kwargs): """ Create a new Box and add it to this Visualizer. Args: name (str): The name of the selection box to add. If this name already exists in this Visualizer, it will be overwritten. activate (bool, default True): Immediately make this new box the active selection in this Visualizer. **kwargs: All other keyword arguments are forwarded to the :class:`emat.Box` constructor. Returns: emat.Box: The newly created box. """ from import Box scope = kwargs.pop('scope', self.scope) activate = kwargs.pop('activate', True) self.new_selection( Box(name, scope=scope, **kwargs), name=name, color=colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, activate=activate, ) return self[name]
[docs] def add_box(self, box, activate=True): """ Add an existing Box to this Visualizer. Args: box (emat.Box): The box to add. """ self.new_selection( box,, activate=activate, )
def _compute_selection_feature_scores(self, name=None): if name is None: name = self.active_selection_name() if self.selection_deftype(name) == 'box': box = self._selection_defs[name] from ..feature_scoring import box_feature_scores try: return box_feature_scores( self.scope, box,, return_type='styled', db=None, random_state=None, cmap='viridis', exclude_measures=True, ) except ValueError: return pandas.DataFrame( index=['target'], columns=[], data=None, ) else: from ..feature_scoring import target_feature_scores target = self._selections[name] return target_feature_scores( self.scope, target,, return_type='styled', db=None, random_state=None, cmap='viridis', exclude_measures=True, )
[docs] def selection_feature_scores(self): try: scores = self._compute_selection_feature_scores().data.iloc[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: scores = {} y = self.scope.get_parameter_names(False) x = [scores.get(yi, numpy.nan) for yi in y] fmt = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, str) else "{:.3f}".format(x) t = [fmt(scores.get(yi, "N/A")) for yi in y] fig = go.FigureWidget( go.Bar( x=x, y=y, text=t, orientation='h', textposition='outside', texttemplate='%{text}', marker_color=colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, ), layout=dict( margin=dict(t=0, b=0, l=0, r=0), height = len(x) * 22, yaxis_autorange="reversed", ) ) self._selection_feature_score_fig = fig return fig
def _pre_update_selection_feature_score_figure(self): if self._selection_feature_score_fig is None: return fig = self._selection_feature_score_fig[0].marker.color = 'yellow' def _update_selection_feature_score_figure(self): if self._selection_feature_score_fig is None: return fig = self._selection_feature_score_fig try: scores = self._compute_selection_feature_scores().data.iloc[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: scores = {} y = self.scope.get_parameter_names(False) x = [scores.get(yi, numpy.nan) for yi in y] fmt = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, str) else "{:.3f}".format(x) t = [fmt(scores.get(yi, "N/A")) for yi in y] with fig.batch_update():[0].x = x[0].text = t[0].marker.color = colors.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR def subvisualize(self, query=None, iloc=None, copy=True): kwargs = dict( reference_point=self._reference_point, scope=self.scope, ) if isinstance(query, str): kwargs['data'] = elif iloc is not None: kwargs['data'] =[query] else: kwargs['data'] =[query] if copy: kwargs['data'] = kwargs['data'].copy() return type(self)(**kwargs)