.. py:currentmodule:: emat.model Files-Based Model API --------------------- The :class:`FilesCoreModel` class defines a common implementation system for bespoke models that generate performance measure attributes that can be read from one or more files on disk after a model run. Many of the abstract methods defined in the :class:`AbstractCoreModel` remain to be overloaded, but a standard `load_measures` implementation is defined here, along with a default implementation of `get_experiment_archive_path` and `post_process`. .. autoclass:: FilesCoreModel :show-inheritance: :members: :exclude-members: setup, run, load_measures, post_process, get_experiment_archive_path, archive, run_model, model_init, load_archived_measures, add_parser .. automethod:: FilesCoreModel.add_parser .. automethod:: FilesCoreModel.load_measures .. automethod:: FilesCoreModel.load_archived_measures Parsing Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :meth:`FilesCoreModel.add_parser` method accepts :class:`FileParser` objects, which can be used to read performance measures from individual files. For an illustration of how to use parsers, see the source code for the :class:`GBNRTCModel`. .. autoclass:: emat.model.core_files.parsers.FileParser :members: .. autoclass:: emat.model.core_files.parsers.TableParser :show-inheritance: :members: .. autoclass:: emat.model.core_files.parsers.MappingParser :show-inheritance: :members: .. autoclass:: emat.model.core_files.parsers.Getter