========================= Installing using Anaconda ========================= Quick Start ----------- To get started with TMIP-EMAT, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. 1. Install `Anaconda Python 3.9 `_. 2. Open the 'Anaconda Prompt' that was installed and run the following commands: .. code-block:: console conda env create TMIP/EMAT conda activate EMAT jupyter-notebook More detailed instructions appear below. Installing Python ----------------- To use TMIP-EMAT, you'll need to have Python 3.7, plus a handful of other useful statistical packages. The easiest way to get the basics is to download and install the `Anaconda `_ version of Python 3.7. This comes with everything you'll need to get started, and the Anaconda folks have helpfully curated a selection of useful tools for you, so you don't have the sort through the huge selection of tools, both good and bad, that are available for Python. .. note:: Python has two versions (2 and 3) that are available. TMIP-EMAT is compatible *only* with version 3. You should usually install Anaconda for the local user, which does not require administrator permissions. You can also install Anaconda system wide, which does require administrator permissions -- but even if you have those permissions, you may find that installing only for one user prevents problems arising over multiple users editing common packages. If you already have Python installed, either by itself or as a companion to any one of a variety of common transportation planning tools (e.g., ArcGIS), you can still install and use Anaconda. You do not need to uninstall, move, or change any existing Python installation. Just use the standard Anaconda installer and let the installer add the conda installation of Python to your PATH environment variable. There is no need to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Once Anaconda is installed, it can be accessed from the Anaconda Prompt (on Windows) or the Terminal (linux and macOS). Managing Environments --------------------- When you use conda to install Python, by default a `base` environment is created and packages are installed in that environment. However, in general you should almost never undertake project work in the `base` environment, especially if your project involves installing any custom Python packages. Instead, you should create a new environment for each project, and install the necessary packages and dependencies in that environment. This will help prevent software conflicts, and ensure that tools installed for one project will not break another project. The instructions below provide only the most basic steps to set up and use an environment. Much more extensive documentation on :doc:`managing environments ` is available in the conda documentation itself. Creating a New Environment for TMIP-EMAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: If you installed the "Miniconda" version of the anaconda package, or if your main conda installation is a bit out of date, you may need to install or update the *conda* and *anaconda-client* packages before the remote environment installation below will work: .. code-block:: console conda install -n base -c defaults conda anaconda-client If you'd like one command to just install TMIP-EMAT and the suite of related tools relevant for exploratory modeling and analysis analysis, you can create a new environment for EMAT with one line. .. code-block:: console conda env create TMIP/EMAT If you've already installed the *EMAT* environment and want to update it to the latest version, you can use: .. code-block:: console conda env update TMIP/EMAT --prune The *prune* option here will remove packages that are not ordinarily included in the *EMAT* environment; omit that function if you've installed extra packages that you want to keep. Installing TMIP-EMAT in an Existing Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you already have an existing environment you want to use, or if you'd like to skip the advice above and install TMIP-EMAT into the base environment, you can do so using the regular `conda install` tool. Activate the environment you want to install into, and then run: .. code-block:: console conda install emat -c tmip -c defaults -c conda-forge The extra channels (`-c channel_name`) here are required as TMIP-EMAT depends on other packages from a variety of places. Because of these dependencies, there is a fair chance that installing TMIP-EMAT into an existing environment may cause incompatibilities with other tools, so installing in this manner is not recommended. Using an Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the terminal (MacOS/Linux) or an Anaconda Prompt (Windows), the current environment name will be shown as part of the prompt: .. code-block:: console (base) C:\Users\cfinley> By default, when opening a new terminal the environment is set as the ``base`` environment, although this is typically not where you want to be if you have followed the advice above. Instead, to switch environments use the ``conda activate`` command. For example, to activate the ``EMAT`` environment installed in the quick start, run: .. code-block:: console (base) C:\Users\cfinley> conda activate EMAT (EMAT) C:\Users\cfinley> Running Jupyter --------------- The most convenient interface for interactive use of TMIP-EMAT is within a `Jupyter Notebook `_. The notebook provides a convenient interactive interface, allowing you to enter Python commands and see (and interact with) the output in a web browser. To use Jupyter Notebook, open the terminal (MacOS/Linux) or an Anaconda Prompt (Windows), activate the EMAT environment, navigate to the directory where you can find your notebook file, and run it the the `jupyter-notebook` command. For example: .. code-block:: console (base) C:\Users\cfinley> conda activate EMAT (EMAT) C:\Users\cfinley> cd Documents\Modeling (EMAT) C:\Users\cfinley\Documents\Modeling> jupyter-notebook myfilename.ipynb If you don't already have a notebook file to work with (they are identifiable by the ".ipynb" at the end of the filename) you can simply start jupyter-notebook with no file name, and you'll be presented with an interface to create one in the current directory. Alternatively, the next generation interface of Jupyter is called `JupyterLab `_. JupyterLab integrates many more features and provides for running multiple notebooks, and multiple views of the same notebook. It is in general compatible with TMIP-EMAT, although some of the interactive exploratory visualizations may be less responsive in JupyterLab than the Notebook interface alone. You may also need to install one or more JupyterLab extensions to enable the full suite of TMIP-EMAT functionality. If it's not already installed in your base or working environments, you can install JupyterLab using conda: .. code-block:: console conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab Then to start JupyterLab, .. code-block:: console jupyter lab JupyterLab will open automatically in your browser. Troubleshooting --------------- A common reason for problems encountered in the installation process is an out-of-date *conda* installation. If your main conda installation is out of date, you may need to install or update the *conda* and *anaconda-client* packages before the installation of new environments or packages will work: .. code-block:: console conda install -n base -c defaults conda anaconda-client If you are running TMIP-EMAT successfully but the interface seems sluggish in the jupyter notebook interface, your problem might be caused by your browser. You can try using a different browser -- Google's Chrome browser has been found to be much more performant for running the interactive visualizations. If you don't want to make chrome your default browser for everything, but just make it the default for jupyter notebooks, you can do so in the configurations for the notebook server. If you haven't already, create a notebook config file by running .. code-block:: console jupyter notebook --generate-config Then, edit the file `jupyter_notebook_config.py` found in the `.jupyter` folder of your home directory. You need to change the line: # c.NotebookApp.browser = '' to c.NotebookApp.browser = 'C:/path/to/your/chrome.exe %s' On Windows, Chrome is usually located at "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" but you should check on your system to confirm.